Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,5

their imaging. Maverick has four smaller satellites. One is being used by BSC East so we have three we can move.”

He nods. “We have two Clubs in California, one in southern on the coast and one in central closer to Nevada. Does that need two satellites?”

Shaking my head gets a nod but Jordan explains, “Two techs but one satellite, Cort. The cameras we take over will give us the surveillance you’ll be using. We just need to be close enough to get in their shit.”

Cort nods again. “Do that. Get us in and surveillance on the two Clubs. Who does that?”

Everyone looks at me. “I do.” I type it for Alexia and Akai. “They’re moving the satellite. It will take about twenty minutes.”

“When will we have surveillance from it?” he asks.

“Twenty minutes. I’ll get two techs on surveillance. Akai is moving the satellite and Alexia is hacking California feeds now.”

The Presidents on the board laugh making me look up. Jordan nods at me getting my attention. “It’s quick, Brother.”

I nod glad he clued me in. “It is, once it’s moved, there’s not much to do but watch the feeds. We have a Club in central that can get us more feed if we need that in Southern California. They have utility trucks and uniforms to make that close.”

Cort draws my eyes to him. “Let’s see if they have club feeds first. The shit they’re into says they have geek diplomas too.” Everyone makes little laugh noises.

I nod. “Two hackers in that one. They aren’t great and leave trails. With the satellite moved, we can shut them down.”

“You?” He asks.

I shrug. “Any of the As, Jacques, Lars, Marco, Mario, Alexia or me. We have a lot of hackers.”

“Do they all read encryption?” Major has us all looking at him.

I’m not answering that, so I look at Cort. “We don’t need that for here. I’ll pull BSC for the plan and keep you informed. We’ll all be getting more from the circuit. Surveillance and IT are first. Let me know of potential problems before they happen. The Club in Oregon is doing good. A Security Brother trained from here will be back for Officer Training. The reader wouldn’t approve the second app from them. Make sure readers get a chance to go through Officer apps. I’m not equipping dickasses with our training and wasting the space. Those classes are already booked a year in advance.”

Alder stands on his chair. “Reader to meet before class start. Boss Justice say two-step verification.”

Cort nods. “Thanks, that will help. Anything I need, or you do?”

Maverick leans forward. “The new recycled material, will you be selling it and can I get a price per pound?”

I smile watching Alder. We had this conversation two nights ago. He gets his glasses on. “PET .12, HDPE .35, color HDPE .13, grade A film .05, B film .02, HDPE rigid .07, aluminum .22, Copper .70, steel .03, titanium .18, nickel 1.30, HS Steel .22, carbide 3.00.” He takes his glasses off. “Tin, magnet cheap. I give good price we have stock.”

Maverick nods looking up from his phone. “Got it. Thanks, this is cheaper than we’re paying. It may be worth another recycle plant, but I have no time for all that.”

I look at Major. He’s not offering to start this so I look at Cort. He shakes his head and nods. “Jordan, Cooper?”

They say, “Yeah, Cort,” at the same time.

“I’ll get with Jordan to set it up. Mase is all over me about recycled shit.” Cooper watches Jordan getting a nod.

Jordan looks at Alder. “Will you have Alpha-Bits to run it.”

“I will. You pay to them.”

Jordan nods. Cort is tired of recycle talk. “So that’s done. Anything else?”

Major stands. “I will be stepping back allowing Brekan to take a more active role in running the Club. He will be at the next meeting with me then show alone unless my guidance is needed. Similar to Ricky Callahan and Ben James. I am here and will continue to offer guidance and an ear when you need me. Because we are the lead for so many Clubs, I am needed as that guide more than administrator for one Club.”

Cort nods. “I see it, Major. Your guidance is appreciated and needed now more than ever. It’s an honor to be included in your new role. I for one know I can’t do this without your input and lessons. New is always so fucking hard.” Cort must have known before he said it. He’s relaxed Copyright 2016 - 2024