Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,39

perp, everyone is shooting.”

I just get a good feed up and throw it on a board. Fuck. Garren and Michael are in the middle of a street. Garren is rocking without the shots around them stopping that. “I hear it, baby. Think about what they’re doing. They need to keep you safe and with us. They need to get Garren and Michael with you. To do that, the bad guys need to be down so Michael and Garren don’t get shot.”

“No! They aren’t shooting my friends.”

“Alexia, stay in the SUV!” I watch horrified as she slides out and down the side to the back of the SUV.

“Fuck!” Falcon and Cort yell.

A dick is getting closer to the back of the SUV while the Team is trying to get closer to the car from the front. I look for the feed from behind and move it up on the high board. Alexia stands with her gun aimed at the dick. Cort laughs. My heart stops. She shoots and the dick is down. I swear I stop breathing. She walks right to the car and opens the door, bending so I can’t see her behind the door. Boulder gets to the car and stands behind her blocking her and my brothers in.

I look at Falcon. “Thanks, Brother.”

He nods talking to Boulder or someone. My eyes go back to the boards and the door I know she’s behind.

“What the fuck? Who called Brekan in?” Falcon is pissed. I watch Brekan ride up shooting as he does and smile. The fucking Brother has no fear. He looks at Boulder getting a nod and Boulder moves aside. Alexia stands and takes Michael’s hand pulling him out of the car. Two Security stand facing out. Alexia gets Michael to the SUV then goes back for Garren. It takes a minute but she gets him moving then in the SUV. Brad is put in the back and Brekan goes to him. He climbs in and the SUV speeds away. I breathe deep and my heart settles to close to a normal rhythm. Falling into the seat, I can’t remember standing.

“She killed the dickass from Nevada. I need who the fuck this is, Web.”

I shake my head and pull my glasses. “Roger, Boss.”

“You okay?”

I look at him. “Alexia, Garren, Michael. I just got them. They’re trying to take what I just got.”

He nods. “We need to keep that from happening.”

“Yeah.” My hands move and I look for who the fuck this is so we can get rid of them. Nevada he said.



“Are you okay, Alexia?” Commander Graywolf asks.

I nod. “The man took me. The big man got me back. Brad got shot. Is he okay?”

“I’ll be okay, Alexia. You did good getting them in the SUV.”

I nod and turn to see Brad. He doesn’t sound okay. He was shot and had blood on his stomach. “Web said we had to stop them from getting shot. They can’t get shot. I don’t want them to leave the safe zone anymore. They have to stay on the safe zone so they don’t get shot.”

“Staying in the safe zone is good during a threat, but not life, Alexia. You live and deal when you need to. Today you did that. I’m so glad you were armed and know how to deal. It saved them and you. Next time, make sure your Security knows the plan so they can cover you.”

Holy moly. I look down. Commander Graywolf has scary eyes. “I didn’t know the plan. I saw the man coming from the back in my phone screen and Web said Security had to get Garren and Michael to the SUV with me so they didn’t get shot. Security was shooting everywhere. They were in the car in the middle of the street. Security couldn’t get at them. I couldn’t let them get shot. They’re my brothers.” I wipe my tears. Garren and Michael are quiet. Michael holds my hand tighter.

I’m glad Commander Graywolf stops talking. When we get out the big man is mad. “You don’t take off and start shooting pussies without Security!”

Michael pulls me over and stands in front of me. Commander Graywolf stands in front of us both. “Stand down and lower your voice.”

“She could have gotten herself killed. She was lucky today.”

The big guy doesn’t know stand down. Commander Graywolf steps closer to him. “She’s SWAT trained by the FBI. She knew what the fuck she was doing. Since you didn’t have a clear shot and she could Copyright 2016 - 2024