Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,32

shows and I’m smiling. Payments for contracts. “This is it, we had it the whole time. The CIA payments match the dates the Alpha-Bits were sold. Why pay on those days?”

“Doesn’t matter. Dad said you’re right. We need surveillance to get the Cs.”

I pull my glasses on and type for Akai to get Alexia on the Gosau lead. “Done. Alexia is on it. Did Mario get the other bank?”

He shakes his head. “Not yet. I can’t read it. I’ll follow when he puts it on the board.”

Stella stands. I pull my glasses off and sit. “So, the kids were sold to the CIA. Payments are on the days that Brothers and Masons died and we can follow the payments right to the kids? That’s fucked up and seems too easy.” She’s good with the breakdown.

I nod. “It’s not going to be that easy. Some of this shit happened when we didn’t have feeds everywhere. No computer footprint to follow and they may have been moved. What are they doing with the kids? The answer may help us track them better than the locations we’ll get.”

Hannah nods. “Justice said something about Alder being used for IT in Europe.” She shakes her head.

“Where’s Justice?” Cort asks Mucimi.

“Fixing Aquyá. He’s going FBI. He should let him go.”

I look at him. Hannah and Stella are surprised. Not more than Cort. “Get him here. Aquyá is going to the FBI?”

Mucimi winces then nods. “I can’t say anymore. Christian will blast me.”

Justice shows sitting by Mucimi and looking pissed. Cort smiles. “Tell Christian if he even thinks of blasting me, I’m shooting him on sight. Justice you need to let it go with Aquyá. He’s going to the FBI. What did Alder say about working for Europe or something?”

He’s shocked. “He’s going to the FBI? I told Prez they need a reader not a Protector.”

Hannah puts her hands up like she’s surrendering. “Alder said something about being used for IT in Europe.”

He nods. “And Asia, that’s why they all learn French, Russian and German. It’s universal over there. All languages are based off those? Aquyá in the FBI. Does he know?” He’s surprised.

Raid nods. “Most languages in Europe are Germanic based. That’s English, Dutch, Finnish, Scandinavian and ancient dialects found in villages and shit.”

We all look at him. He shrugs. “What? I read and shit.”

I smile at him, he’s fucking smart. Most think it’s just business. I know better. “Why not learn something in an Asian language?” Stella asks.

“They have. We have four groups that speak some form of Mandarin.”

Justice looks at me. “We can find them by death dates?”

I shake my head. “Keep reading, we’re past that. So, they work IT for Europe and Asia. What would they be doing? For the CIA no less.”

Hannah shakes her head. “The CIA is into some weird shit. They have hidden Ops programs. One we found is for assassins based on locations, they’re like robot people.”

I shake my head. “We need more information. I haven’t finished what they pulled last night. A team on it will help. New boards with all the sheets from Masons and CIA is a must. Surveillance for the locations we pick up can work based on closest dates.”

Hannah nods. “I’ll get Lukas on it too and send the new boards to my dad. Help from up there will be good. Can you get me Alpha-Bits or do you want me using Team Two?”

I nod. “Take Two and I’ll take One that gives us encryption readers on each. The bank information can’t wait. Schedule them for when you have the time. I’ll be at Champion next week or we can meet here.”

She nods typing on her hologram keyboard. “Prez is down with my mom and dad. I’ll meet you here.”


She’s been typing forever. “I’m getting the boards up. That’s the last sheet. I added them all to Akai’s leads from yesterday’s Ops. You want me on the team with Hannah or Mucimi?”

“Mucimi. He’s fast and can hand off new leads so he can keep moving. Justice, if you have time, can you stay with them?”

He nods. “I’ll make time, Brother. We can find them.”

I smile. “We can.”

Cort reminds us he’s still here. “I was going to ask where the information leads and if we need a planning meet. I’m not asking that. Has anyone asked Alder what he did? It may be quicker.”

I’m surprised. “I’ll ask, I’m meeting him in IT after his meet with Jinx.”

Cort nods. “I’m out, good job, Web, Brothers. I Copyright 2016 - 2024