Ford's Rise - L. Ann Marie Page 0,100

The Director, my dads with Baxters International and Masons have the locations under physical surveillance as of last night. We are just waiting for the BSC to pick the newest Ford Alpha-Bits up.”

My eyes go from Baxter to Alder. I can barely see him. Twenty-two. Cort lifts him up. “Brother.” He doesn’t say anymore.

“Commander Saber,” Baxter says, but I’m watching Alder. He’s frozen. I bet thinking of the compounds housing. I wipe my face and turn.

Commander Saber is smiling. “EROP has intel and approval to close down the labs and any location with former Intelligence agent ties that house, exploit or hold the lab experiments...”

“Never use that fucking word for my Brothers.” Jinx is up before I let my breath out after hearing it. Perez is up and at the Commanders side. He’s freaky too? Shaking my head I watch Danny calm Jinx.

Saber gets words from Perez and nods. “My apologies. The wording is the exact orders I received signed by the President. Commander Perez will give the details without the offensive language.”

Cort is pissed. He sets Alder down and looks at Ben. Justice and Raid are on the sides of him. Whatever passes has Cort calming. Perez gets my attention.

“All Alpha-Bits are to be collected and offered residency in the US. They will be granted Security for life, a US passport and all US protections provided for under the constitution. Medical and psychological coverage was mentioned. I refused the offer but did ask for the parcel of land owned by Alder Ford to be recognized and protected under the Bureau of Land Management as the Alpha-Bit Vision Cooperative Management and Protection Area. Protection overseen by The Brotherhood of Badass Bikers Phoenix Rising and Bravo Rising Affiliates. Ownership with tax deferment for life is granted if the land is used in compliance with the Environmental Engineering Law.” He smiles at Alder. “You’re already doing it and you never have to pay taxes. I have the paperwork for the land, tax deferment and the new Alpha-Bit Fraternal Beneficiary Society 501 non profit paperwork that defers taxes to all Alpha-Bits residing in the US. It works better than the land treaties and protections the Native tribes live under.”

I shake my head, he’s got them covered legally for every fucking thing. Alder stands by my chair. “Thank you, Commander Perez. Honor choke me.”

I smile and lean to hug him. Perez nods. “The Alpha-Bits need to be collected from the locations soon. Surveillance will be picked up if they’re hanging around for too long. Commander Saber, with new funding and orders, has teams ready to deploy whenever you are. He understands the Alpha-Bits need to see familiar and you need protection you can trust. All Ops for the new Alpha-Bits and your Security is funded through an EROP account. This is ongoing, whenever you need it and available to all Ford surnames residing in the Alpha-Bit Vision Cooperative Management and Protection Area.”

“You pay Alpha-Bit’s travel?” Alder is surprised.

Baxter laughs. “He’s got the government paying for everything you want to do with no taxes ever owed by any Ford living here. The Director has a shit-ton of evidence that shows why. Copies are with the DOJ under Security. The President does not want the information leaked so you will be safe. All the files are scanned to a flash drive held by Prez, Baxters, EROP and I have one for Cort. EROP will collect the doctors, techs, former agents and whoever they can find. They will be held in a federal prison with charges that can be brought publicly. Those charges will never name Fords, Alpha-Bits or Badass.”

I stand with Alder in my arms. “Brother, they’re not just recognizing you. They’re fighting for you.”

He looks at me then Perez. “You put in jail? Doctors in jail? Punish to law?”

Perez looks at Commander Saber for an answer. “I can’t guarantee they’ll all come peacefully. If EROP detains them without a threat to our agents, they will be returned to the US to face crimes against humanity charges. Every Op will be planned with your security teams. I was not ordered to monitor or advise your teams’ Ops.”

Cort laughs. I repeat his words in my head. “BSC will plan Ops with EROP and you get a say, Brother.”

Alder turns to the side so he sees Cort. “Pres Cort, you plan, I follow orders given. I not judge, jury. Doctors, agents...” he shakes his head with tears in his eyes. “Here, I Alder. Brotherhood, Doctor, computer, I know. Copyright 2016 - 2024