Forbidden With Me - Leigh Lennon Page 0,72

the files.”

My words are slowly hitting him; the understanding as his focus on me is slow but gradual. “Oh, Detective. I was walking with him, and then all of a sudden, someone came up behind me. Your partner, I have no idea where he went.”

Vanessa, who had fanned out earlier, makes her way to me. “Higgins isn’t here.”

The owner begins to sit up, and she looks at his eyelids just as she had with Malia earlier today.

“Sir, anything you can remember would be helpful.”

His hand makes contact with the large goose egg on the back of his head. “Shit.” He winces, closing his eyes. “I pulled in the parking lot, and it was empty. My foreman had their crews out, but they’re always here by six to collect their cars, so this was odd, getting back here at a little after four in the afternoon with every car gone. I told your young detective this.”

The paramedics surround him, and I don’t have long before I can get more information for now. “Who knew you were coming to the station?” I ask.

“Of my three lead foremen, my son-in-law, Tim Wayne is my go-to. He pretty much runs the show now. Then his brother, Curtis, and another by the name of Ned Tarjeh.”

I’m trying to recall the names, a recollection of sorts, and something niggles away at me, and I can’t put my finger on it. “Could you give me their contact information? I need to speak to them.”

“Hey, sonny.” His tune changes to that of the cranky old-timer when we first started questioning him earlier. “They’re good men and certainly not who you’re looking for.”

Vanessa interrupts me, “If they have nothing to hide, then they’ll come out unscathed.”

I turn my head to Vanessa, who has stood her ground for me more in the past twenty-four hours than she had our entire relationship. We’re walking away, and I lean down because I have to know.

“Van, you’re being nice to me. What has changed?”

She imparts a weak smile my way. “I decided when I saw you and Malia together this morning that you’re not my enemy. And after all the shit we did to one another, you’re not the bad guy. We can work and, hell, maybe be almost friends.” She bumps my shoulder with hers, and I wonder if lightning may strike in the warehouse.

I turn my attention to my missing partner, and to that little bit of a doubt screaming at me, telling me I’m missing something. “Hey, Cap, I’m heading back to the precinct. My gut is shouting at me, but I just don’t know what it is yet. I hope it leads us to whoever the fuck has Higgins.” I should have never let my partner go by himself. I seem to continue to fuck this case up with every turn.

“Okay, I’ll get the three foremen brought in for questioning. See you back at the station.” In the way her hands tremble, I realize Vanessa is just as upset over Higgie’s disappearance as I am, but I’m the only one who sees this because I know her better than anyone.

“Van,” I call out, and she stops, turning around.

“Yeah, Wells?”

“We’ll get him back, we’ll find him, and he’ll be okay.” She gives me a tight smile, and my words are meant for her, but I need to hear it as much as she does right now.

Chapter 26


“So, since you apparently won’t need the guest room, do you think your police angel will allow me to stay here?” Georgia inquires.

I’m shoveling my mac and cheese into my mouth, and I give her a little nod because she’s right. After the past couple of days, and with his insisting I move my suitcase into his room, I’m positive Wells won’t have a problem with Georgia being here for a day or two, though she’s invasive as hell.

“You know, Red…” Kenzie begins, and my best friend already has Kenz’s number, ignoring her, but it doesn’t stop the cop. “I have a bed.” I’ve known this woman all of three days, but this is a complete 180 to how she’s been with me.

“Yeah, I’ll pass, and don’t think I missed how you said a bed—not a spare one.”

“I must be slipping,” Kenzie teases.

Georgia’s eyes square off with the flirty female cop. “Unless you have a cock between those legs, I’m not the girl for you.”

The witty banter doesn’t stop with Kenzie’s response. “And do you know firsthand what I can truly offer you, Red?”

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