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attention back to the minister, and to Molly and Noah.

I couldn’t see my sister’s face, but I could see Noah’s, and the way he gazed down at her was enough to turn me into a giant pile of mush.

Molly took a deep breath when it was her turn to say vows.

“Today, surrounded by all the people who love us best, I say the words I do, but I am really promising that I will.” He smiled, lifting one of her hands for a soft kiss. “I will take your hand and stand by your side in the good and the bad. I will be your guiding light in the darkness, your shoulder to lean on when life is hard. As your wife, I will be your navigator and your best friend. I promise to honor, cherish, and love you through all of life’s adventures.” Her voice wobbled. “Today, Noah Griffin, and every day for as long as I live, I will choose you as my husband.”

Noah grinned down at her.

“Today, surrounded by all the people who love us best,” he rumbled in that deep voice of his, “I say the words I do, but I am really promising that I will. I will take your hand and stand by your side in the good and the bad. I will be the one who supports your dreams more than any other. I will shelter you from whatever storms hit us. As your husband, I will be your partner and your best friend. I promise to honor, cherish, and love you through all of life’s adventures. Today, Molly Ward, and every day for as long as I live, I will choose you as my wife.”

Rings were exchanged, they were pronounced husband and wife, and when he wrapped her in his arms for a shockingly passionate kiss, a cheer of Super Bowl proportions rang through the gardens. Laughing along with my sisters as it did, I couldn’t help but sweep my gaze over the people sitting in the chairs.

I recognized most of the faces, but not all. Out of all those faces, I didn’t see the one I was seeking.

It was a strange realization to have amid such overflowing happiness that still … Brooke hadn’t come. Given the choice, extended with grace by someone who’d forgiven her, she’d stayed away.

Molly, I knew, would be fine. As her brand-new husband drew away from her, tucked her hand in the crook of his elbow, and escorted her down the carpet of lush emerald grass to the sound of cheers and whistles, I thought about all the different ways people moved on.

Maybe I held onto the past, held onto anger, or my reserve with men with white-knuckled hands because they were all something I could control, but Aiden showing up for me today was something I hadn’t been in control of.

It was his way of moving on too, and I had to recognize the gesture, even if it hadn’t come with any big speeches. Yet.

He couldn’t have predicted how I’d react, but still, he showed up. Held his hand out to me, gave me a choice.

When I took the arm of Kareem, one of Noah’s teammates, and we followed the happy couple down the aisle, I knew my choices would be unfolding in front of me all night.

I chose, as Aiden watched me with a steady, calm gaze, to set aside anything Brooke could’ve done—or not done—to this day. Like my brother said, it was—and always had been—her loss.

When Molly jumped into Noah’s arms for another kiss, I felt lighter than I had in years. Happier.

The wedding planner hustled the wedding party back out to another garden for pictures, and when I glanced over my shoulder to catch Aiden’s eye, he winked.

That wink held me over the eternal length of time it took us to take pictures with the whole wedding party. If what I needed to do was screw a smile on my face for a billion clicks of her camera, then that was what I would do.

Hovering at the edge of the side garden where we stood, I saw a glimpse of his navy suit. The wedding coordinator was talking to the photographer, and Molly and Noah whispered quietly to each other, so I decided to sneak in his direction.

I nudged Lia with my elbow. Both of the twins turned.

“I’ll be right there if they need me,” I said, tilting my head to where I’d seen him.

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