Forbidden Harmony (Harmony Falls #3) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,82

was almost seven-thirty. She knew the shop was open until seven which was why she’d been so surprised when Preacher showed up just before six.

“Do you mind if I get some more?”

“Help yourself.”

He left and returned with another heaping bowl. He settled next to her on the couch and they finished eating in silence. When they were done, he took both their bowls to the kitchen. She could hear him rinsing them in the sink and she smiled when he said, “Is the dishwasher clean or dirty?”

“Dirty,” she said. Holy crap, domestic Preacher was adorable.

He returned to the living room and she smiled at him. “Thank you.”

“Thanks for the food. It was really good.”

“You’re welcome.”

He glanced at the door as familiar awkward silence descended. She thought about inviting him to watch TV with her before dismissing the idea immediately. Preacher had stayed because he was hungry, that’s all. The way he kept glancing at the door made it more than obvious he was ready to leave.

So, why isn’t he?

She wasn’t sure. He’d been acting weird all night. First, the apology, then the oddness in the bedroom when he wouldn’t let her come until she said she wouldn’t date anyone else, the spooning after sex, sticking around to eat dinner with her, and now this awkward moment.

Maybe he thought it was rude to eat and leave? Trying to help him out, she said, “Well, thank you again for -”

“You heard about that new show on Netflix. The one with the detective?” Preacher said.


“It’s supposed to be pretty good. You watch it yet?”

“No, not yet,” she said. “I was actually going to start it tonight.”

He stared at her and she cleared her throat. “Would you like to watch a couple episodes with me?”

He shrugged. “Sure.”

He sat down beside her, and she turned on the television and used the remote to switch to Netflix. She was a little embarrassed by how much she enjoyed the feel of Preacher’s hard thigh against her knee.

As she waited for Netflix to load, by habit, she picked up her knitting bag and pulled out the scarf she was working on. Preacher glanced over at her and she paused with her knitting needles in hand.

“Um, do you mind if I knit while we watch the show?”

“Why would I?” he said.

“The needles make a clicking sound. Harrison said it was distracting when we watched TV.”

He just shrugged. “I don’t care. Do your little grandma knitting.”

She poked him in the thigh. “Knitting is cool now.”

“Is it, though?” he said.

“No,” she said.

He laughed and heat pooled in her belly. God, she loved Preacher’s laugh.

“What are you making?” he said.

“A scarf for Kira for Christmas,” she said. “I like giving my friends homemade gifts.”

“You still making the bracelets?” His gaze dropped to the six colourful bracelets she had around her wrist.

“No, not really. That was kind of a phase I was going through,” she said.

“Oh. I saw you give Lucas a couple,” he said.

“I have a bunch left over.” She reached into her knitting bag and pulled out the handful that were in the bottom of it. “I made a lot while I was stressed out about wedding stuff. I have so many of them floating around now. I try and tie bracelets around friends’ wrists when they’re not looking.”

He laughed again. “Yeah, I noticed that a lot of your friends have more than one.”

She studied the single bracelet around his wrist. “Would you, um, like another one?”

“Doesn’t matter. If you have extra you’re trying to get rid of, yeah, sure, I’ll wear another one.”

She spread the bracelets out on her leg. “Pick whichever one you want.”

He studied them before picking up a grey and green one and a black and white one. “Which one do you like better?”

“You can have both,” she said.

She tied them around his wrist for him, just above the blue one. He picked up a third one. “You care if I take this one too?”

“Go ahead.” She knew the surprise was showing on her face. Preacher had picked out a pink one.

“Guys wear pink now, you know,” he said with a cute little grin.

She laughed. “I know. I just didn’t know you wore pink.”

“All the time, Sunshine,” he said. “I have a dozen pink shirts.”

“Of course you do.” She tied the bracelet around his wrist with the others. The pink one was an exact match to one of the bracelets she had around her wrist and it gave her a totally stupid thrill.

This isn’t middle school, Addie. Copyright 2016 - 2024