Forbidden Harmony (Harmony Falls #3) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,7

when a large body stepped out from behind a truck. She ran face-first into a wall of hard and unforgiving muscle, and she screamed piercingly when an arm wrapped around her waist and held her immobile.

* * *

Preacher had no idea why the little schoolteacher was leaving the pub on her own, but he didn’t like it. She was little, and it was late and dark outside. Where the hell was her dickhead fiancé, anyway? Sure as shit, if Preacher had a woman like her, he wouldn’t let her be sitting at a table full of firefighters who kept looking her over like she was a piece of meat. He swallowed down the last of his whiskey, pushed his chair back, and stood.

Nolan looked away from the television screen. “You leaving?”

“Just hittin’ the head,” he grunted.

He bypassed the bathroom and headed straight for the exit. He stepped out of the pub. The schoolteacher was walking across the parking lot and he eyed her firm ass as he leaned against the wall.

He watched the schoolteacher slide into the passenger side of her crappy little car. He was too far away, and it was too dark for him to see what she was doing but he kept watching her anyway.

He wondered idly what she looked like under those prim and proper dresses she was always wearing. She was a real lady. The kind who would never have anything to do with him, but it didn’t stop him from imagining her naked in his bed. She smelled so fucking good that day at the school. Jesus, he’d forgotten just how good a woman like her smelled. The women he took to his bed couldn’t afford fancy perfume. Fuck, half the time he wasn’t even sure they showered on a daily basis.

The little schoolteacher though, he bet she had a big tub in her place, one of those fancy ones with jets. He bet she took a bath every night, maybe even let her small-dicked fiancé fuck her in it. The thought sent jealousy shooting through him and he shook it off.

So the pretty lady with more class in her baby finger than any of the women he’d been with had been nice to him. Didn’t mean she wanted to fuck him. She was nice to everyone, that was apparent. Nice and sweet and polite.

What he wouldn’t fucking do to see her with her neat and tidy hair messed up from his hands, her perfectly applied lipstick smeared from his kisses, and her pale slender thighs spread wide around his hips. He’d fuck her until her politeness was gone, until she was pounding on his back and begging him to fuck her harder.

The schoolteacher slammed her car door and started walking across the parking lot. His gaze had dropped to her tits so when she suddenly stopped and swung around, he blinked in surprise. He stared at the four men standing behind her before spitting out a curse. His anger rising, he walked toward the schoolteacher, his long strides eating up the distance.

* * *

Addison’s scream was muffled against her attacker’s chest. She tried to squirm away, pounding frantically on her captor’s hard chest.

“It’s okay,” he said.

She froze. The voice was familiar. She raised her head and stared up at the man holding her.

“Hello, Sunshine,” Preacher said in a low voice.

Relief flooded through her. It made her knees weak and she sagged against him as he stroked her hair back from her face, his touch surprisingly gentle.

“Please help me,” she whispered.

He smiled reassuringly at her and turned her in his arms until her spine was against his chest. He kept his arm around her waist, his big hand gripping her hip possessively. She clung to his forearm, staring up at his face as he said, “Good evening, assholes.”

“Get lost,” the leader said. “This don’t concern you.”

Preacher laughed. “You’re bugging my woman and it doesn’t concern me?”

“We didn’t know she was yours.” One of the other men tugged on the leader’s arm. “C’mon, Gary. It’s time to leave.”

“Yeah, Gary,” Preacher said. “It’s time to leave.”

Gary pulled his arm free. “No way she’s with you. Not a woman like her.”

Addison didn’t object when Preacher nuzzled his face into her hair. She leaned against him and tried to look like she belonged to him as he said, “The woman’s mine. Leave. I won’t ask you again.”

“There’s four of us and only one of you,” Gary said.

“Fucking Christ, Gary. Do you have a goddamn death wish? Look at Copyright 2016 - 2024