Forbidden Harmony (Harmony Falls #3) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,62

still buried in his neck. He moved his hand to her ass and gave it a quick squeeze before easing out of her and setting her on her feet.

His cock was glistening with her sweet cream and he could see the blush rising in her cheeks when she glanced at it. He grinned at her and yanked up his briefs and jeans, tucking his cock away and buttoning them. “You good, Sunshine?”

“Yes,” she said. “Are you?”

Now that he’d fucked her, he was fucking incredible. Now that she smelled like him and was marked by him, his weird and overwhelming jealousy had faded. He might actually get through the rest of the barbeque without feeling like he was on the verge of insanity.

“I am.” He pressed a kiss against her mouth. “Thank you.”

“Oh, um,” her blush deepened, “you’re welcome.”

Remembering her doubt from yesterday, he said, “It was fantastic.”

The pleased look on her face made him feel like a fucking superhero. “Good. I, um, really enjoyed it too.”

They stood in awkward silence for a few seconds before he eased open the door and checked the hallway. “It’s empty.”

She was holding her panties in her hand and she said, “I’ll be out in a minute. I need to, uh… I need a minute.”

He grinned at her and slid one arm around her waist, drawing her in close. “Do you have any idea how much I like knowing that you’ll spend the rest of the afternoon with my come dripping out of your sweet pussy?”

She blushed furiously, just like he knew she would, and he laughed before pressing a kiss against her mouth. “See you out there, Sunshine.”

Chapter Seventeen

“I think I’m allergic to this face mask. It’s itchy.” Harper, her face covered by a moisturizing mask, peered at her from Addison’s iPad screen. “Also, you kind of look like Jason Voorhees.”

“Quiet, you,” Addison rearranged the mask on her face so she could see better out of the eyeholes. The mask was slimy and starting to get cold. “Just a few more minutes and we can take them off.”

“It feels like I’ve got cold semen all over my face,” Harper complained.

“Don’t be gross.” Addison wanted to take a sip of her tea, but she didn’t fancy the idea of getting whatever was on the mask potentially in her mouth. “How was work today?”

Harper shrugged. “Typical Monday. It was really slow in the gallery. I think I might get laid off.”

“Shit.” Addison shifted on the bed and smoothed the mask again when it slipped down her forehead. “Are you serious?”

“Yeah.” Harper didn’t sound worried, but Addie knew her best friend better than anyone.

“Have you sold any more art online?” she said.

Harper shrugged. “A couple of smaller pieces. Nothing that I can live on.”

“It’s going to happen for you, honey,” Addison said. “You just need to be patient. By this time next year, you’ll be one of the most famous artists in New York City.”

Harper laughed and the underlying bitterness beneath it hurt Addison’s heart. “Doubtful. My shit looks like a fucking toddler drew it compared to the artists here.”

“You can’t compare yourself to others,” Addie said.

“Yeah, I know.” Harper sat back on her bed. “I’m worried about Dad.”

“Is he still acting kind of weird?”

“So weird. He’s still talking about retiring and selling the clinic,” Harper said.

Addison could see the hurt and the confusion on Harper’s face even with the mask covering it.

“I don’t understand why he keeps talking about selling the clinic. He loves being a vet, always has, and he’s not even sixty yet. Ever since Mom died, he,” Harper paused, “he hasn’t been the same. It’s been six years and he still hasn’t cleaned out her side of the closet. That’s not normal, right?”

“He loved your mom a lot.”

“He did,” Harper said. “Even when she didn’t deserve it.”

The pain in Harper’s voice made Addie wish she was there to hug her. “I’m sorry, honey.”

“Thanks. I think that new vet he hired is pressuring him into selling. Dad didn’t really start talking about it until this guy started working there. Only a month after he started working with Dad, he told him he would be interested in buying the clinic if Dad ever wanted to sell it. Next thing you know, Dad’s talking about selling the clinic.”

“Okay, but your dad wouldn’t do anything he didn’t want to do,” Addie said.

Harper pushed at the mask on her face. “Wouldn’t he? Mom walked all over him for years.”

“Your mom had a very,” Addie paused, “strong personality.”

“Yeah, just Copyright 2016 - 2024