Forbidden Harmony (Harmony Falls #3) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,34

only run about fifty bucks.”

“Right. Okay.”

“Be here ten minutes before your appointment as there’s paperwork to fill out and you need to pick your jewelry.”

“Oh, I was there the other day,” Addison pulled nervously at a thread on her couch, “and I saw the jewelry. Just a plain titanium barbell will be fine.”

“Okay. But come early to fill out the paperwork. I need your name and a phone number.”

She recited her name and number, waiting patiently as he typed it in. “All good. See you around six-thirty.”

“Bye,” she said but he’d already ended the call.

Her heart was thumping and despite the air conditioning in her apartment, she was sweating. She was getting her nipple pierced. Tonight.

Holy crap.

She was getting her nipple pierced.

* * *

Preacher stopped at the counter. Nolan had the phone stuck between his shoulder and his ear as he typed into the computer. “All good. See you around six thirty.”

He ended the call and turned to Preacher. “Yo, what’s up?”

“I’m running over to Nan’s to grab lunch. You want anything?”

“Nah, I ate my lunch earlier. I gotta set up for Rory. He’ll be here at one thirty. I got maybe a couple hours left of work on the tattoo and then that motherfucker is done.” He flipped his neon green hair out of his eyes. “Your nose piercing for the end of the day cancelled, but I booked a nipple piercing in its place.”

“Sure, okay.” Preacher was checking his email on his phone and barely listening.

“I think it might be that same chick who came in the other night at closing wanting a tattoo. Her last name was Moore.”

“What?” Preacher’s head snapped up. “What did you just say?”

“Your nipple piercing. I think it might be the same -”

“What’s the name?” Preacher practically laid across the counter to try and see the laptop screen.

“Jesus, dude, chill out,” Nolan said. “Addison Moore. Is that the chick?”

“Yeah. You sure she said nipple piercing?”

“Yes.” Nolan pointed to the side of his head. “I got ears, don’t I?”

Preacher ignored him, staring down at the body jewelry on display in the counter. “She say what kind of jewelry she wanted?”

“Yeah, titanium barbell.” Nolan headed over to his station and spritzed the leather tattoo chair with disinfectant.

Preacher stepped behind the counter and unlocked the case before sliding one glass door open. He picked up one of the titanium barbells and slipped it into his pocket before sliding the door back into place and locking it.

He left the shop. The switch from the cold air-conditioned shop into the muggy heat of the summer day, sent sweat immediately sliding down his back. Jesus, it was the hottest day yet. He was supposed to watch Gideon play ball tonight, but if the heat didn’t let up, he was skipping it.

Addison might be there.

Would she? She wasn’t with her fiancé anymore so why would she bother going to the games?

Maybe because she loves baseball just like everyone else in this town? You’re the only one who can’t stand baseball in Harmony Falls. It’s just another reason why you and the little schoolteacher are so different.

It didn’t fucking matter. He would see Addison at the shop in roughly five hours anyway. A little thread of excitement wormed into his stomach. Even better, he’d be seeing those perfect tits of hers. He immediately berated himself. He would be seeing her tits because of his fucking job and he’d make damn sure to be professional.

Oh yeah? Because what you’re about to do sure as fuck isn’t exactly professional.

He ignored his inner voice and instead of crossing the street to Nan’s, he turned right and walked four blocks down Main Street. The street was crowded but he barely noticed. When you were as big as he was and covered in tattoos, people tended to get out of your way. By the time he opened the door to the fine jewelry and engraving store, his shirt was sticking to his back with sweat.

The store was almost empty except for a couple sitting on small stools in front of the engagement ring section. A pretty young Indian woman with long dark hair and wearing a sleeveless dress that showed off both the full tattoo sleeve on her left arm and the half sleeve on her right, was showing the couple various rings. She glanced up and waved at Preacher. “Hey, Preacher.”

“Hi, Diya.”

She pointed to her half-sleeve. “I’m booked in September to finish this off.”

“I saw that,” Preacher said. “Looking forward to working on it.”

“Me too. Copyright 2016 - 2024