Forbidden Harmony (Harmony Falls #3) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,127

rolled his eyes as Nolan said, “Just the fact that you’re agreeing to a receptionist is a goddamn miracle.”

“I said it might be an idea, I didn’t say I agreed to it,” Preacher said. “Keep running your mouth and I’ll put you on reception duties full fucking time.”

“He doesn’t mean it,” Nolan said to Nix. “Look at that sparkle in his eye. He’s like a kid in a fucking candy store, am I right?”

Nix didn’t reply and Nolan grinned at Preacher. “C’mon, dude, who are you playing hide the salami with? Anyone I know?”

Preacher glanced at Nix. The tattoo artist had been in the shop the day he’d brought Addison to his apartment when she was sick. He was the only one in town besides Gideon and Grace and Kira who knew that he and Addison were together. Apparently, he hadn’t said anything to Nolan and as far as Preacher was concerned, that upped Nix’s cool factor.

Yeah, yeah, Nix is a good guy. Let’s get back to that you and Addison being together bullshit. You’re not dating, asshole, and don’t start thinking you are. This isn’t gonna work out between the two of you. Besides, you think she’s over her ex yet? He still had a fucking key to her place.

“You seriously not gonna tell me?” Nolan said.

Preacher just shrugged. “I’m not with anyone and even if I was, it wouldn’t be any of your fucking business. Don’t you have some floors to mop?”

Nolan laughed. “There’s the asshole Preacher I know and love. I’ll mop the floors after lunch. Nix, you want to run to Nan’s and grab a bite to eat?”

“Sure,” Nix said. “You locking up the shop and coming with, Preacher?”

Preacher shook his head. Addison had sent him home with leftovers from the dinner she made them last night. “Nah, I’m good. I got some food upstairs.”

“See you in an hour,” Nolan said.

He and Nix left the shop. Preacher checked Facebook before typing in Addison’s name. He had less than thirty friends on Facebook. Hell, he only had an account because he’d needed one to attach the Crimson Door business page to, and he rarely posted anything other than tattoos he’d done.

He hovered over the add friend request button, staring at the cute picture of Addison with Grace, Harper, and Kira that she had as her profile picture. After a few seconds, he snorted and closed the app. Jesus, he was acting like an idiot.

The bell over the door jingled and without looking up, he said, “Shop is closed for lunch but will open at one-thirty.”

“This won’t take long.”

He glanced up, anger and irritation flooding through him when he saw that prick Harrison standing in his shop. “What the fuck do you want?”

“Is that really anyway to treat a potential client?” Harrison said.

“Fuck off. I’m not tattooing you,” Preacher said.

He stood and felt a twinge of satisfaction when Harrison took a step back. “No need to be rude. I’m only here to have a quick chat.”

“I’ve got nothing to say to you,” Preacher said.

“I bet you thought I didn’t notice the way you looked at her at the barbeques,” Harrison said. “I bet you think I’m too stupid to know when some asshole is after my girl.”

Heat prickled along the back of Preacher’s neck. “She’s not your girl anymore.”

“I saw the way you looked at her, but I found it amusing. As if a man like you would ever have a chance with a woman like Addison.”

“Guess it must have fucking stung when you realized you were wrong,” Preacher said.

Harrison laughed. “You mean the other morning? Just because you slept with Addison doesn’t mean she’s in love with you. She still loves me. We’ve been together since she was fifteen years old. We were meant to be together.”

“If you believe that, then you shouldn’t have fucking cheated on her,” Preacher said.

“I’ll admit it was a mistake, but it’s over now. I’m ready to be with Addison for the rest of my life and she’s ready to be with me.”

“Oh yeah? Then what’s she doing with me?”

Harrison leaned against the door. His once perfect nose was slightly crooked now. The smug look on Harrison’s face made Preacher want to slam his fist into that nose and finish the job of ruining it.

“She’s with you because I gave her permission.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Preacher said. Christ, could the little asshole see how badly he’d just rattled him?

“When Addie and I decided to take a break, I told Copyright 2016 - 2024