Forbidden Harmony (Harmony Falls #3) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,118

doesn’t want to be my boyfriend.”

“From what you told us, the way he acted when he realized Lucas was at your place was boyfriend-like,” Kira said.

Addison shook her head. “No, he just doesn’t like Lucas. It had nothing to do with me.”

She chewed on her bottom lip as Kira and Grace glanced at each other. She hadn’t told them about Preacher demanding she not sleep with anyone else. What was the point? It didn’t mean he wanted to be exclusive. They weren’t using condoms… of course neither of them wanted the other to sleep with someone else. That was a quick way to an STI.

“Okay, well since your lessons with Preacher are over, who are you going to wow with your new skills?” Kira said.

Addison held onto her smile with grim determination. “Oh, uh, I don’t know. I hadn’t really thought about it.”

“You should,” Kira said. “Why don’t we have a ladies’ night out tonight?”

Addie’s stomach dropped but if she and Preacher were finished, and she was pretty sure they were, sitting around feeling sorry for herself wasn’t the way to go.

He might want to have sex again if he gets another migraine.

Yeah, maybe, but how pathetic did it make her to not sleep with anyone else while she waited to see if Preacher might come to her for sex when he had a migraine.

“Addie? Do you want to? You don’t have to,” Kira said.

“Yeah, let’s,” Addie said. “It’ll be good for me to, uh, experiment sexually.”

“We should go to The Hitching Post,” Kira said. “We can find a sexy cowboy for Addie to ride.”

“Okay,” Addison said.

“Honey,” Grace said, “are you sure that’s what you want?”

Addison stared into her coffee. “Yeah.”


“Yes,” Addie said. “It’s over with Preacher now so why shouldn’t I have some fun with someone else? I’ve spent the last decade having boring sex with Harrison – don’t I deserve to have fun?”

“Yes,” Grace said. “If that’s what you really want. Are you certain it’s over with Preacher?”

“Of course I am.”

“I only ask because he showed up at your apartment yesterday and you had sex twice.”

“Because he had a migraine. We wouldn’t have had sex if he didn’t have a migraine, okay? I’m not going to sit around and wait for Preacher to have a migraine in the hopes that I might get laid. I’m young and I’m single and I… I want to have meaningless sex with a damn cowboy who I’ll never see again.” Her voice was too loud.

“All right,” Grace said.

“Good. I’m going to have a quick shower and then we’ll go to the farmer’s market.”

She gulped down the rest of her coffee and escaped to the bathroom. She turned on the shower and stared at herself in the mirror. Her cheeks were red, and she felt sick to her stomach. What was she doing? She didn’t want to have sex with anyone but Preacher.

If you keep thinking that way, you’re going to die a spinster. Preacher doesn’t want you for anything more than sex and even that is done. It was only because of his migraine that he –

I know! Shut up! she snarled at her inner voice.

She rubbed at her suddenly aching forehead. She didn’t want to date Preacher. Well, maybe she did but that was just stupid. Even if he was interested in something more than sex, things would never work out between them. She was too much of a goody-two shoes for him and sooner or later he would get bored. It was best to stop now before she really got attached to him.

Attached? That’s a funny word for love, Addison.

She froze before taking a deep breath. God, she didn’t love Preacher. She was just being… stupid.

She took off her robe and stepped into the shower. She was young and single, and her nights of mind-blowing sex with Preacher were over. She had just broken off a ten-year relationship and it wasn’t smart to jump right into another. She would do what young, single women did and find a few different guys to bang. She had the skills now, thanks to Preacher. She didn’t have to worry that they would find her boring.

Do you, though? Are you any better in bed? What kind of lessons did he actually give you other than making you come repeatedly?

She was better. She knew she was. She could make Preacher come and he was the hottest guy she knew. She just had to act with other men the way she did with Preacher in bed.

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