Forbidden Harmony (Harmony Falls #3) - Elizabeth Kelly Page 0,105

her and rested his hand on her thigh again, giving it a gentle squeeze. After a few minutes, she picked up her knitting and the soft clicking sound started up.

As he scanned the internet for flower images, Preacher tried to identify the weird feeling inside of him. After a moment, it dawned on him.

Holy fuck. He was happy.

* * *

“You’re right. This wrapping paper is adorable, and my mom will love it.”

Addison laughed. “I know when you’re mocking me, Lucas.”

He grinned at her. “I’m not mocking you. She really will love it. Thanks for letting me have some of it.”

“No problem,” she said.

He glanced around her living room. “Your place is nice. You like the neighbourhood?”

“I do,” she said. “It’s mostly rentals in this area, but it’s quiet and not too far from downtown.”

“Some of the guys who are transferring from the New Cassel office to the one here are looking for places to rent. I’ll mention this neighbourhood,” Lucas said. “Apparently, according to Kira, my neighbourhood is a hot spot and hard to get into. Which just makes it even more impressive that she found me something.”

“I was texting with Kira today and she said she had an appointment this afternoon with your boss to look at a few houses.”

Lucas nodded. “Yeah, Stark’s in town this week. Construction is almost complete on the office building so he’s doing a final check of it. He mentioned he was looking at houses today when I had coffee with him this morning.”

He glanced at his watch. “Anyway, I should get going. It’s almost seven thirty and I said I’d meet Connor for a drink at the Thirsty Otter.”

She laughed. “It’s the Thirsty Beaver.”

“I know,” he said with a grin. “Do you mind if I use your washroom before I go?”

“Not at all,” she said. “Second door on the left.”

He headed down the hallway as there was a light knock on the door. She checked the peephole and happiness flooded through her. Preacher was standing in the hallway. He had stayed with her Sunday night and all of Monday and spent last night with her too. But when he’d left this morning to go to work, he hadn’t said if he would come by tonight or not.

Honestly, she’d assumed he wouldn’t. They’d spent the last two days holed up in her apartment doing nothing but napping and binge-watching television shows on Netflix. He hadn’t asked her once for sex.

On Monday afternoon, feeling more like herself for the first time since Thursday, she tried to give him a blowjob. At the beginning of her relationship with Harrison, before he decided she was boring in bed, he’d often try and convince her to have sex during her period. He became pouty and dismissive when she refused. She’d learned quickly that giving him a blowjob was the only way to bring him out of his bad mood with her.

To her surprise, Preacher refused to let her go down on him. A little confused and a little upset by his refusal, she’d pushed past her embarrassment and asked him why. His explanation that he wasn’t into it if she didn’t get anything in return was still a concept she was trying to fully grasp.

She opened the door. “Hi. Snuck past the security in the lobby again, huh?”

He grinned at her. “Your neighbours think nothing of holding the door for a tattooed biker. You busy?”

“No, come in.” She shut the door behind him. “Did you eat dinner?”

“Nah, worked through it.”

“I made chicken stir-fry for dinner and there are leftovers. Do you want some?”

“Sure.” He followed her into the kitchen, leaning against the counter as she pulled the stir-fry out of the fridge. “How was your day?”

“Good. I stayed home and gave myself one more day of rest, but I think tomorrow I might venture out into the real world and have lunch with Kira and Grace. Kira said she’d swing by and pick me up and we’d have lunch close to the dental clinic. Kira’s got a showing right after lunch so she can’t drive me home, but there’s a bus stop outside of Grace’s clinic.”

She popped the leftovers into the microwave. “Do you want water or juice?”

“Water is -”

“Addison? Thanks again for – oh, hey, Preacher.” Lucas returned to the narrow kitchen.

Preacher’s face paled and then turned red. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

“Preacher,” Addison said, “stop it.”

“What the fuck is he doing in your apartment, Addison?” Preacher said. Without waiting for her reply, he turned Copyright 2016 - 2024