Forbidden Bride - Penny Wylder Page 0,54

that word. And I finally find him talking to one of our warehouse managers on the far side of the room. His eyes sweep across me and it takes a full five seconds before his eyes dart back to me in a double take. Slowly, I take a sip of my champagne, and then I lick my lips.

Tristan’s eyes drag down my body and back up again. I feel like I’m being consumed in flames, even from here. I walk across the room to him. We’re allowed to talk, though him keeping his hands off me is going to be a struggle, I think. He says goodbye to the person he’s talking to and meets me half-way. “Nicola, you look stunning this evening.”

“Thank you, Tristan. You look pretty good yourself.” And he does. The tuxedo he’s wearing is perfectly tailored to his body, and hints at the power beneath the fabric. If I didn’t know every scrumptious detail of what he looked like beneath that suit, then I would swear that this site is better than porn.

A hand on Tristan’s shoulder startles me. “Good to see you, Tristan,” my father says. “You ready to be the most eligible bachelor in town?”

“Dad,” I say. “I was actually going to ask you about that. We’re donating, right?”

He nods. The gala usually benefits the children’s hospital in town, and this year is no exception.

“How do you feel about me bidding on Tristan?”

He looks stunned. “You want to go on a date with Tristan?”

I smirk. “Maybe I just want to drive up the price. And if I win, Tristan is off the hook for an awkward date.”

Dad smiles. “Fine. No more than ten thousand.”

Tristan almost chokes on his drink which just makes Dad laugh. “Bruce, I’m not going for ten thousand.”

“We’ll see.” He heads off, and I grin at Tristan.

My fiancé takes another swig of his drink. “You’d better win.”

“If I don’t it’s still a good cause. But now I have ten thousand dollars to play with.”

Tristan leans close enough so that I can hear him and no one else can, but not so close to arouse suspicion. “I cannot wait to peel that dress off you.”

“I’m pretty excited for that part too. But I have to win you first.” A high chime of a bell rings, signaling that it’s time for the meal. “I wish I was sitting with you.”


We go our separate ways. But serendipity has saved us a little bit. Where we’re seated we can see each other, so if he doesn’t think that I’m going to eye-fuck him the entire meal he has another thing coming. And that’s exactly what I do. I’m actually surprised when my dad stands up and goes to the stage.

“Evening everybody,” he says. “Thank you for coming to the annual Thompson’s Ice Cream Valentine’s Day Gala.”

There’s polite applause.

“I just wanted to make a couple of announcements. First things first, we’re raising money for the Leighton City Children’s Hospital tonight, and if you donate privately or if you win a date with one of our lovely bachelors in the auction, we can’t tell you how appreciative we are of your support for a worthy cause.” More applause. “And secondly, we’re about to be served dessert, and I’m happy to announce that dessert tonight will be a brand new Thompson’s Ice Cream flavor, designed by our flavor master, Nicola Thompson, who is also my daughter.”

There’s way more clapping than there should be for that, and I can tell that I turn pinker than the decorations with the blush. Across the room Tristan raises his glass to me.

“I hope you enjoy it,” my father finishes. “Have fun with the auction, and let’s get this party started!”

I roll my eyes, but it gets the laugh that he’s looking for, and Jill swiftly replaces my dad at the microphone, taking over and announcing the auction and how it will work. Nerves dance in my stomach. Tristan looks delicious, and I don’t pretend that I’m going to be the only one gunning for him. It doesn’t matter if I’m going home with him anyway or not. I want this.

The first bachelor is a guy from the production line. Closer to my age and hunky. I’m not surprised when he goes for several thousand dollars. We have a few more people from the office strut their stuff, and the warehouse manager that Tristan was talking to earlier goes for quite a lot.

“And last but not least, we have Tristan Swallows. A recent Copyright 2016 - 2024