Forbidden Bride - Penny Wylder Page 0,32

press for a non-profit event.

In fact, it’s actually becoming pretty big. We have some minor celebrities on the guest list this year and I would love for it to turn into a thing that people travel to Leighton City for. Not only would that help the company, it will help with general tourism and the economy of the city. Need something to do for Valentine’s Day? Come to Leighton City, home of Thompson’s Ice Cream for a romantic weekend.

By the time we’re finished it’s almost five, and I have an idea. “Can I ask you something?”


“Since my parents don’t know about Tristan and me, it’s been…hard to find time together. I was wondering—”

“If you can use me as an alibi to go get laid with your super-hot new boyfriend? Girl, I got you.” She grins. “Hell, take an overnight bag and tell them that you’re helping me work on the designs for the centerpieces.”

“The centerpieces are done, aren’t they?”

Jill smirks. “Yes.”

“Thank you.”

“Go get some ass.”

I roll my eyes, but I’m grinning as I leave her office, and I pull out my phone. This is going to be a welcome surprise.



The lie goes smoothly, and I find myself packing an overnight bag, knowing that I’m going to spend the night at my boyfriend’s house for the first time in my life. That question about what Jill found is still nagging me, but I can’t make myself look it up. I’m terrified that it will ruin everything, and if it does ruin everything, then I want one more night with him that’s untainted.

I’m not sure if that makes me selfish or stupid, but I’ve made up my mind.

Tristan was ecstatic when I told him I was able to spend the night, and I’m happy too. We haven’t had an evening together like this. All we’ve had was last Saturday where we spent most of the day at his house and I helped him unpack—at my insistence. But tonight will be dinner and maybe a movie and definitely something more than that.

“Bye,” I say to my mom, who’s working at the kitchen table.

“Bye, sweetie. Have fun,” she says absently.

I’m definitely planning on it, and I get out of the house before she can ask me any more questions. I didn’t have to use Jill as an excuse. I’m an adult. If I want to go out and spend the night elsewhere, I don’t need permission. But I also know that it would bring up a lot of questions, and that’s not something I want to get into right now either.

Tonight is going to be great. Especially once I show Tristan the surprise that I’m wearing under my clothes. This isn’t exactly the most comfortable underwear I’ve ever had, but the look on his face is going to make it all worth it.

I pull up to his townhouse, and the cheery light pouring out of the windows into the snow makes my heart ache. Somehow, impossibly, this already feels like home.

When I climb up the steps, he opens the door before I even knock and sweeps me into a bruising kiss that ends up with me pressed against the doorframe, gasping for air and nipples hard. “Not pulling out the stops tonight, are you?”

“Are you kidding?” he asks. “You’re mine for the night. I want to make the most of it.”

“I’m glad.” As he pulls me inside I’m enveloped by the mouth-watering scent of Italian food. “You cooked for me?” I can’t help but smile.

Tristan nods as he helps me take off my coat and hands me a glass of wine. “I won’t pretend that it’s up to the standards of someone who went to culinary school, but I can hold my own in the kitchen.”

“I’m sure it’s great. By the way, I need to tell you. Jill, my best friend, she knows about us.”

His eyebrows raise. “Really?”

“She figured it out. There wasn’t any denying it at that point. But it does come with a certain benefit.”


“That’s where my parents think I am tonight.”

A slow smile spreads across his face. “That is a benefit. Though I’d just as soon have you be able to spend the night whenever you want.”

“Soon,” I say, barely getting the word out before his mouth crashes down on mine again. I’m lucky that I don’t spill any of my wine, because this man has magic lips. Every time he kisses me I go limp with the pleasure of it all.

“We should eat now,” he says, “because we’re going to Copyright 2016 - 2024