The Footman and I - Valerie Bowman Page 0,86

He grabbed her hand to stop it from going any lower.

She lifted both brows. “Did you just say no? Is that any way for a footman to treat a lady?”

He shook his head. “No, but, Frances—”

“Ah, ah, ah.” She waggled one finger at him. “I believe you said my wish was your command. Do you still mean that?”

“I do,” he replied, bowing his head.

A thrill shot through her. He was going to do this with her. He was going to let her be in control of him, let her tell him what to do. Only she needed his help. Well, she would just have to ask for it.

“First,” she said, warming quickly to her topic. “We’re both going to get naked, you and I.”

His eyes flared again, and he expelled a deep breath.

“You first,” she demanded, only because she didn’t think she could stand to be the first one naked. She might be enjoying this, but at the moment she was still too shy.

“Take off your breeches,” she demanded, quite enjoying her ability to get him to do whatever she said.

“At your service,” he replied, his gaze not leaving hers.

She watched as he pushed himself up on the bed until he was on his knees. Good heavens. She was quickly becoming aroused again with this playacting.

He unbuttoned his breeches slowly. He pushed them down his thighs until she saw dark springy hair and his manhood, thick and heavy, in the center. It was so…large.

He sat back on the bed and quickly discarded the breeches altogether. “What next, my lady?”

She had to take a deep, shaky breath to right herself. “Next, I want you to lay down on the pillows.”

He arched a brow at her but did as she commanded. His big strong body rested atop the mattress; his dark hair splayed against the white pillow. This man was magnificent. And he was going to be her husband. A shudder racked her body.

She quickly pulled her shift over her head, deciding that the faster she did it the less self-conscious she would be.

The moment he saw her nude, he sucked in his breath sharply and Frances was suddenly proud of her body, something she hadn’t thought much of before.

“Do you want to touch me?” she asked, not entirely certain where that question had come from. Apparently, it had come from the place inside of her that wanted to enjoy every single moment of this.

“Yes,” he breathed.

“Touch me,” she ordered.


“Kiss me…my breast.” She rolled onto her back and he joined her, lying half atop her he trailed his lips down her throat to her breast until his mouth fastened on one nipple and she called out. He licked her, sucked her, and drew his thumb against her until she was nearly mindless with need.

“Wait!” she called.

His mouth came off her breast and he met her gaze with his own questioning one.

“This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen,” she finally managed to say.

“There’s not exactly a rule book,” he replied with a chuckle.

“No, but I want you to show me how to give you pleasure.” She cleared her throat, intent upon not allowing him to distract her again. “On your back again,” she demanded, then added, “please.”

“Very well.” He rolled over onto his back and propped up his head with both hands beneath it, a huge grin on his lips.

She let her eyes travel over the entire length of his body. His gorgeous face, wide shoulders, muscled chest, flat abdomen, and his long legs covered in dark, coarse hair. His member still stood at attention, but the man seemed positively at ease with his nakedness. As he should be. He was more beautiful naked than he was clothed, and she hadn’t thought that possible.

She had little clue what to do next, but she let instinct guide her. She rolled over atop him, her naked breasts pressing against the dark hair on his chest. He sucked in a breath and was about to pull his hands out from beneath his head to touch her, when she said, “No!”

He froze. “No, what?”

“No, don’t move your hands. Keep them under your head,” she said in her most commandeering voice.

“You cannot be serious,” he said with a groan.

“I’m entirely serious,” she replied pertly, trailing one fingertip down his side to stop at his hip.

She rubbed her nipples along his chest to see the reaction in his eyes. Flames leaped in their depths. She smiled to herself. Next, she kissed her way along his flat belly the Copyright 2016 - 2024