The Footman and I - Valerie Bowman Page 0,24

apologize to him most of all. She could only hope he didn’t think too badly of her now. But here was an unexpected opportunity to apologize once more…privately.

“My lady,” he said as soon as he saw her standing there. “My apologies for the interruption.”

“No interruption,” she replied. For the second time she realized his speech was cultured. She took a tentative step toward him. “Mr. Lucas? That is your name, isn’t it?”

He lowered his gaze to the floor and nodded. “I’ve come to stoke the fire,” he announced, making his way toward the large fireplace with the wood in his arms.

“Of course.” She swallowed. “Don’t let me keep you.”

He continued toward the fireplace and set the logs on the floor next to it.

Frances watched him. The law books could wait. Mr. Lucas was far more interesting at the moment. There was something about him that made him stand out from all the other footmen she’d ever encountered. No, not just footmen, all other men. It wasn’t just his looks, which were quite extraordinary. It was also the way he carried himself, the twinkle in his eye, as if he knew things he wasn’t telling. He seemed a bit irreverent too. She liked that about him. She liked it a great deal.

He took off his jacket and laid it aside. Clad only in his white shirt and emerald waistcoat, he squatted down and began to place the logs on the fire one-by-one. His back was toward her and she stared at him egregiously, completely unable to stop watching the muscles work in his shoulders as he lifted each log.

Oh, dear. What was happening to her? She’d never had such impure thoughts about any man before, let alone a man she barely knew. One she should leave be for half a score of reasons.

Even though she told herself to turn and walk away, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. As a result, when he finally stood and turned, she nervously spun in a circle in an effort not to be caught staring. She nearly ran into the desk that she’d quite forgotten was directly behind her. With an oomph, she fell back onto the highly polished dark wood floor. She landed on her elbows and her bum; the breath knocked from her chest.

He was at her side in a flash, gently placing his hand on one of her elbows and helping her to stand. His deep voice sounded in her ear. “Are you quite all right, my lady?”

Several silent awkward moments passed before she was able to drag enough air back into her aching lungs to speak. “Ye…Yes, I’m fine,” she eventually managed. She pressed a hand to her throat and hoped that her blush didn’t make her too awfully red. “I’m more embarrassed than hurt, to be honest.” She gave him a tentative smile, which he immediately returned, his white teeth flashing.

She bit her lip and glanced away. “After last night and now this, you must think I’m terribly clumsy.” She smoothed a hand down her middle and then righted her skirts.

“Not at all.” He let his hands drop away from her and she frowned, continuing to stare at him.

He stood at attention; his brow furrowed. “May I help you with something, my lady?”

Dear heavens. Why did she have to be such a complete ninny in front of this man? She stared up at him at a loss for words, searching his handsome face as if she needed to memorize it. “No, nothing…. It’s just that… .It’s just that I . . .” She barely knew what she was trying to say and every second that ticked by made the whole thing that much more uncomfortable. “I wanted to thank you again for helping me yesterday,” she finally blurted, “in the bedchamber, I mean, and to apologize again for my atrocious behavior at dinner last night.” There. At least she’d managed to apologize again. Even if she’d just made a mess of the words.

His lips quirked. He opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it again promptly.

She narrowed her eyes on him. “What?” She turned her head to the side to watch him from the corners of her eyes. “What were you about to say?”

“Nothing, my lady.” He shook his head slightly, still standing at attention.

“No, please say it,” she prompted. Oh, dear, perhaps he wasn’t telling her because he thought she was silly. She couldn’t bear it if he thought she was silly. Anything but that.

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