The Footman and I - Valerie Bowman Page 0,19


Mr. Lucas turned his body away from the table so that only she could see him. For a horrible moment she thought she’d been completely wrong and he didn’t understand that she’d done this on purpose.

He bowed to her, the light in his eyes signaling that he was in on the ruse. “Sincere apologies, my lady. I’ll fetch something to clean the gown immediately.”

“No need,” she replied, still feigning a shrill tone. “The gown is ruined. I’ll just retire to my room and let my maid see to it.”

Mama, who’d barely had enough time to comprehend what had happened, turned as red as an apple. “Frances, what in heaven’s name has got into you? Lower your voice.” Mama was intently watching Sir Reginald for his reaction to the scene, a fake smile pinned to her face.

Lady Clayton stood and came sailing over. That lovely lady apologized quietly and escorted both Frances and Mr. Lucas quickly from the dining room. Frances had barely taken two steps toward the door when she heard Sir Reginald say to Mama, “I like a woman with spirit. And that footman was a clumsy oaf.”

Confound it. Was she actually attracting the ass with this behavior? As soon as they reached the corridor Frances turned to apologize to Mr. Lucas, but Lady Clayton had already ordered him to return to the servants’ hall in the basement and remain there for the rest of the evening. Oh, dear. Frances had no way of knowing for certain if he realized she’d done it all on purpose. She would have to go looking for him later.

Chapter Six

Frances Wharton, Lucas thought two hours later as he stood leaning a shoulder against a wall in the servant’s hall. Thankfully, no one had seemed to recognize him before Theodora had removed him from the dining room earlier. He’d turned his back upon the table immediately and Theodora had quickly carted him away, along with Miss Wharton.

He’d stayed downstairs to watch the butler complete his duties and to ask some questions about tomorrow’s plans. He’d learned quite a bit about life in service since he’d come here, and to his delight most of Clayton’s servants seemed pleased to teach him. Probably on Mrs. Cotswold’s orders, but still, he appreciated their help and their not acting put out by his presence. Of course, a few of them kept forgetting they weren’t supposed to call him “my lord,” but he quickly reminded them. His presence in the servants’ hall made one of the housemaids blush earlier. He hoped he hadn’t embarrassed the poor girl too much.

Service was more difficult than Lucas had imagined. He’d spent his evening rushing up and down a great many stairs while balancing elaborate platters full of food. Not only had his physical skills been put to the test, but so had his mental ones as he’d been kept quite busy trying to recall in which direction to serve the soup tureen, on which side of each guest to stand while serving, and precisely how long he should wait at each seat before moving to the next to ensure he wasn’t going too slowly. Ensuring he didn’t spill any food on the guests or the table was its own feat. He would have made it through the first evening without incident if Miss Wharton hadn’t purposely bumped into his arm.

By far his greatest fear of the evening, however, had been that the diners who knew him—and there were a handful—would suddenly look at his face and recognize him. Amazing, really, how correct Bell had been. The marquess had said none of the members of the ton would give Lucas a second glance when he was dressed in livery while wearing a powdered wig, and by God, none of them had. Except, that is, for Miss Wharton, who kept glancing at him. He knew she was glancing at him because he kept glancing at her. At first he’d been worried for her when Sir Reginald took the seat next to her. Particularly when the blowhard had begun by announcing to the table that he was friendly with the Prince Regent. In fact, he’d practically shouted the words “the Prince Regent” so the entire table could hear.

And calling the prince “Georgie”? That was enough to make one physically ill. The table’s occupants had seemed impressed, however. Especially Lady Winfield. Lucas had no idea why. Carlton House was famous for its lavish dinners, but it was hardly much fun. Why, Lucas usually tried to get Copyright 2016 - 2024