Football and Ballet - Jason Collins Page 0,51

though it was like my mind was somewhere else, much too far away to hear what he was saying, my heart still knew what our conversation was about, how he was trying to let me down as easy as he knew how.

I’m sorry, Patrick. The owners want to go with Keaton this year.

I tried everything I could to convince them that you should still lead.

They were already on the fence, but after you fell during your audition, it was all she wrote.

They said they’d like to have you as the secondary role this year.

But if something happens with Keaton, you could always be the understudy.

When the conversation was over, when Isaac was halfway across the room, I turned to leave the building. Despite the rest of the auditioning dancers calling my name, I didn’t have any intention of turning around to carry on a conversation with any of them.

Because I didn’t want to talk to them. I didn’t want to talk to anyone.


This felt like the worst day of my life.

When I made it all the way to my car, I contemplated driving directly home, even though I knew I had a class of students waiting for me at the youth center.

Double fuck.

I rested my head on the steering wheel, trying my best to hold back the tears that threatened to spill down my cheeks if I wasn’t careful. I didn’t want to let down the kids at the youth center, especially not because of something that had nothing to do with them.

But I didn’t know how I was going to get through class without weeping.

I forced down a few rough breaths, the air rapidly cycling through my chest as I brought my head up from the steering wheel and put my hands at ten and two.

And then, I drove away from the theater, my eyes beginning to blur with tears as I pulled out onto the street.

“Oh my God! Is that Dakota Webster?” Wanda’s mouth hung open as she excitedly tapped Adam’s shoulder. “Holy shit!”

“Dakota Webster?! Where?!” Adam’s voice rose a few octaves, his head spinning around the room. “Are you serious right now?”


I blinked myself back into reality as I stood in front of the class of dance students. I hadn’t really been present for the session today, my body going through the motions as my heart felt like it was still lying on that theater stage, the same place I’d felt it fall right out of me, sink right through me to the concrete below the building.

Thankfully, I’d taught this particular class a million times before, so it wasn’t something that required my full attention. Still, I was shocked at the sudden change of pace, at the way my dance students stopped mid-spin to stare through the glass on the other side of the room.

And when my gaze soon followed their own, going right over to that same glass, I saw Dakota leaning against a nearby wall. She looked perfect, as always, with what looked like professionally styled curls paired with her effortless sense of style, her lime green t-shirt matched with designer jeans.

“What do you think she’s doing here?” Adam murmured. “Do you think she’s here with—Oh my God! There he is!”

“Oh my God! Hunter Perry!” Wanda squealed. “I saw that rumor in Esther’s blog that he was taking classes here, but I didn’t believe it. I can’t believe I left a comment calling her a liar!”

“Hunter?” I repeated his name underneath my breath as my heart seemed to return to my chest, now feeling tight as I forced air through my lungs.

He come into view, taking his place next to Dakota. As soon as he was beside her, Dakota leaned her head against his shoulder before her face broke out into a wide smile.

“Aww.” Wanda placed a hand over her heart. “They’re so cute! Do you think they’ll take a selfie with us if we ask nice enough?”

“I think they like, legally have to?” Adam replied. “But make sure you take two pics, just in case the first one comes out like trash.”

As the rest of my students buzzed with chatter about Dakota and Hunter, I realized in that same moment that I’d lost them for the rest of the lesson. I rolled my eyes and decided to make my announcement, offering the room a quick snap of my fingers as I spoke again.

“You know what? Class dismissed,” I said, snapping my fingers for a second time. “Go. Take selfies or whatever it is you Copyright 2016 - 2024