Follow Your Heart (Catalina Cove #4) - Brenda Jackson Page 0,95

a deep breath. She wasn’t sure what Roman would be saying. Would he take the out she’d offered him and say the two of them just had a vacation fling? That would certainly help save his reputation. Double standards were double standards. It was okay if a man slept around, but it was different when a woman did it.

“No, I’ll be fine watching it with everyone.”

Christy nodded. “Then come sit over here by me and Alex.”

Victoria had just gotten settled when the press conference began. Her breath caught at the sight of Roman. Gone were the scruffy look, jeans, T-shirt and beard. Now he was clean-shaven, had a neat haircut and was wearing a dark suit. He looked to be in the role to which he’d been born—a well-dressed, suave, debonair and sophisticated politician. He approached the podium with that self-assured walk she loved, and when he turned to face the camera, he had the smile that she adored. But this smile was lined with irritation and anger. She saw it, although he was hiding it well. She noted the room where the press conference was being held was packed. Obviously, reporters from many news outlets were present.

“Ladies and gentlemen of the press. I feel that I need to make a statement regarding my relationship with Victoria Madaris and the time we spent together in Catalina Cove, Louisiana. It’s unfortunate the media painted a picture that is not at all accurate. I’ve known Victoria for years, as our families are close.” He was looking straight at the camera, but to Victoria it seemed he was staring right at her.

“Did you know she was engaged to be married?” some reporter asked rather loudly, as if he intended to make a point.

Roman tilted his head as if to stare at the man, and the look he gave him was direct and unwavering. “First of all, that’s a lie The Tattler fabricated. Victoria is not engaged to marry anyone. She was free to date whomever she wanted, just like I was. I’m just curious, why the interest in my love life?”

“We are interested because we assumed you were seriously involved with someone here in the DC area,” some reporter responded.

Without losing his cool, Roman kept his smile plastered in place. “I don’t know how anyone could have thought that when I’ve gone on the record several times and clearly stated I wasn’t interested in a serious relationship with any woman.”

“Then all you and Ms. Madaris were having was a meaningless fling?” This was asked by another reporter and Victoria held her breath for Roman’s answer.

“Let me go on record now and clear up the matter. What I shared with Victoria Madaris was not, and I repeat, was not a meaningless fling. When Victoria and I ran in to each in Catalina Cove and began spending time together, something happened to me that I hadn’t expected to happen. I fell in love. I am very much in love with her, and if I want to pursue a relationship with her, I have every right to do so. Victoria is a beautiful, intelligent and warm-hearted individual.”

“What about her involvement with Tanner Jamison?”

“At no time was Victoria involved with Tanner Jamison. Mr. Jamison will hold his own press conference in an hour. He will confirm that at no time were he and Victoria involved. They haven’t even dated. I would think The Tattler and other news outlets who followed their lead and printed the article would have gotten their facts straight before running off with a story. I’m disappointed but not surprised.”

“What about Ms. Madaris? Will she be giving a press conference, as well?”

Roman looked directly into the camera. “I see no reason for Ms. Madaris to do so. The two men who The Tattler claimed are involved in this fictitious love triangle are speaking out and denouncing the lies. What some of you reporters want and expect is a three-ring circus, but you won’t be getting one. The Tattler deliberately slandered Victoria Madaris’s name. I demand an apology to her, a retraction of the story and list of corrections. I want to go on the record and say that I love Victoria Madaris and there’s not a damn thing any of you can do about it. Nothing is more important to me than she is. Not even my being a senator. Good day.”

Victoria watched as Roman, refusing to take any more questions, left the podium. It was obvious from the conversations and high-fives around the Copyright 2016 - 2024