Follow Your Heart (Catalina Cove #4) - Brenda Jackson Page 0,78

pulled out the little black book he kept in the pocket of his jacket to see who he would call tonight. He’d gone without female company too long. Tomorrow was Friday and it was time he made plans to kick-start his weekend.

Moments later, he tossed the book on the counter, not believing he still couldn’t do it. The thought of making love to a woman other than Lyric did something to him. It was crazy that the one woman he craved was the one he was determined to keep his distance from.

Feeling frustrated as hell, he finished off the beer and decided to shower and hit bed early.


“IF YOU DON’T wake up now, sweetheart, you’re going to miss the sunrise. It’s a beautiful view through the porthole.”

Victoria lifted one eyelid and then another. She figured the sunrise wasn’t the only thing she would be missing out on if she didn’t open her eyes, if Roman’s erection poking into her backside was anything to go by.

Smiling, she slowly flipped over to gaze up into a gorgeous pair of dark eyes and delectable lips nearly covered in a beard. “Will you be shaving when you return to DC?”

She could tell her question surprised him. “Why? Is my beard bothering you?”

She knew why he was asking. He had to apply cream to a few beard burns between her legs more than once. “No. I’ve gotten used to it and like it.”

He chuckled. “Thanks, but yes, it will be off before I land in DC. It will no longer be needed.”

He had mentioned last night how glad he was that the paparazzi had left him alone since he’d been in Catalina Cove. She was glad, too. Shifting to her side, she glanced out the porthole. The sun was about to come up. “You’re right. It’s beautiful.”

“Beautiful just like you.”

She thought that he could say some of the nicest things. And do some pretty nice things, as well. When she had arrived home from work yesterday, he had been waiting for her with soup from the Green Fig, one of the new restaurants in town. Victoria had previously met the owner, Sierra Crane, and her beautiful little girl.

Sierra had grown up in the cove and like so many others, had not returned after college. She had landed a high-powered corporate job in Chicago. Now divorced, she was back in Catalina Cove to raise her daughter. Victoria was glad because the woman was using her late grandmother’s soup recipes at the Green Fig and they were delicious. The takeout soup container was a cute miniature keg that kept the transported soup hot.

The minute Victoria had walked into her house, the aroma of the soup had gotten to her, as well as the sight of Roman standing in the middle of the living room. She’d done something she’d never done before. She began stripping off her clothes right then and there. Needless to say, they had made love before eating dinner.

“Did I thank you for dinner yesterday?”

He chuckled as he nibbled around her mouth. “Several times, but you can always do it again.”

“Thank you, Roman.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his mouth to hers. He had such a beautiful mouth. A mouth she loved kissing, and he had shown her how to do so in so many ways. She tightened her arms around his neck as they continued kissing. It was as if the privilege to do this again would be taken away from them and they were making it last.

Suddenly, he pulled away and when she opened her eyes it was to see a pair of sexy brown eyes staring at her. The intensity in his gaze made her feel hot and she released a slow, deep breath.

“Let’s watch the sunrise, baby,” he said in a deep, husky voice.

She nodded. Pulling herself up, she snuggled next to him as they looked out the porthole to see the beauty of the sun coming up, seemingly out of the water, and moving slowly into the sky. Starting today, they would spend the weekend in the middle of the Gulf. After breakfast they would head toward the area where the Mississippi River flowed into the Gulf of Mexico. It was reputed to have the best fishing spots anywhere.

Roman’s chin rested on the crown of her head, and Victoria appreciated being able to share this moment with him. She had shared a lot of memorable moments with him, some that would be etched in her Copyright 2016 - 2024