Follow Your Heart (Catalina Cove #4) - Brenda Jackson Page 0,5

prior dinner engagement. Maybe some other time.” If he was disappointed, he didn’t show it. In fact, his smile widened even more.

“How about a rain check?” he asked.

“A rain check will be fine.”

“What’s your phone number?” he asked her, pulling out his cell phone.

Victoria told him her phone number and he punched it into his phone. When she heard her phone ring in her purse, he said, “And now you have mine, as well. If you ever need anything, just call.” He slid his phone back inside his jacket. “You take care, ‘Little Nolan.’”

She was about to remind him that her name was Victoria and not “Little Nolan,” but decided not to waste her time. “You take care, too.”

She then quickly left the bakery to get to work on time.

* * *

A SHORT WHILE later Tanner Jamison walked out of the bakery smiling. Women. He just had to love them, and he did. While standing in line, he’d gotten numbers from four different women. All nice-looking, single ladies with bodies he couldn’t wait to try out. He had a feeling he wouldn’t regret the six months he would be living in New Orleans.

His phone rang when he reached his car and he quickly clicked on, recognizing the ring tone. “What’s going on, Blade?”

“Just checking to see if the renovations are on schedule.”

Blade Madaris and Wyatt Bannister were his partners in several financial ventures, including the nightclubs they owned. They had purchased their first club years ago, when all three had been single men on the prowl. They’d figured if women could have a place like Sisters, a nightclub in Houston that catered to females, then there was nothing wrong with them establishing a club that catered to men. Blade was the only one of the three who’d since gotten married. Although he didn’t frequent the club like he used to, he was still a partner.

“I met with your construction manager earlier. I went straight there from the airport,” Tanner said, opening his car door to get in. “I think we might be ready by New Year’s Eve.” Since Blade and his twin brother, Slade, owned a construction business, they would be using Blade’s company for the renovations.

“Let’s hope so. The construction manager I’ve assigned for the job, Hank Brighton, is good. He’s going to make sure we dot every i and cross every t to open on time. By the way, have you checked in to your condo yet?”

“Not yet, but already I’ve checked out quite a few beauties here in New Orleans. My black book is filling up. I definitely won’t get bored while I’m here.”

Blade chuckled. “I’m sure you won’t. I don’t know who’s worse, you or Wyatt.”

Tanner grinned. “You mean since you got married and removed yourself from the picture? Wyatt has always been worse than the two of us put together, because he takes after his old man in his younger days.”

“Yes, you’re right about that,” Blade agreed.

“Oh, and by the way, guess who I ran in to at the bakery a short while ago?” Tanner then said.


“Your cousin. ‘Little Nolan.’ It’s been quite a while since I’ve seen her. She looks good, man. Definitely not a kid anymore. I asked her to dinner, but she had other plans.”

“You asked Victoria to dinner? Are you crazy? You know better than to hit on any of my female relatives, Tanner. They’re off-limits.”

“Relax, Blade, my invitation was nothing more than a friendly gesture. I wasn’t coming on to her. I had told Ms. Felicia Laverne that I would look her up when I moved to New Orleans.”

“Damn, man, I hope you haven’t fallen into my great-grandmother’s trap.”

“Trap? What are you talking about?”

“After taking Nolan off the singles market, Mama Laverne has made Victoria next on her ‘to marry off’ list. So unless you want to be the man Mama Laverne marks as Victoria’s future husband, I suggest you keep your distance.”

Shit, Tanner thought. Everyone knew about Blade’s great-grandmother’s matchmaking track record, even when marriage was the last thing on their minds. Blade was a prime example of the older woman’s shenanigans.

“Come to think of it, I noticed that you and Mama Laverne talked for a long time that Sunday when you dropped by and she was here.”

Tanner swallowed. “Yes, but we were talking about a lot of stuff, mainly about some cruise she plans to take this fall and how good she was at playing bingo.”

“Are you saying Victoria’s name didn’t come up, not once?”

Tanner swallowed again. “When Copyright 2016 - 2024