Follow Your Heart (Catalina Cove #4) - Brenda Jackson Page 0,41

friend, for heaven’s sake.”

Leigh Ann frowned. “No, she wasn’t your friend. A true friend would not have slept with your boyfriend, even if she knew you were getting ready to kick him to the curb. They were both wrong.”

Lyric agreed with her mother. That’s why she had given Westley his walking papers, just like she’d planned to do, anyway. And as for Wendy, she had deleted her from her Facebook friends page and dropped her name from her phone’s contact list. Now that Wendy had taken a job somewhere in Canada, Lyric didn’t have to worry about her ever coming back to the gym.

With Westley it had been a different story. He’d still come into the gym on occasion, trying to get back into her good graces. He’d discovered she didn’t have any good graces where he was concerned and had finally stopped coming. She hadn’t seen him in a couple of months and she honestly hoped she never saw him again.

“We’ll discuss this some other time, Mom. I don’t want to keep our new client waiting,” she said, tucking the folder under her arm and heading toward the training room. First, she would give him a tour of the facility and then work out a schedule that was suitable for them both. Her mother mentioned the man only wanted Friday mornings and Saturday afternoons and that would work well for her.

She was just a few feet from the door when she paused to take a look at the folder. She went still when she saw the client’s name. Tanner Jamison. No, it couldn’t be the ass from a few days ago at that club that was being renovated. Hopefully it wasn’t the same man who thought he could charm his way into getting her to overlook those two violations.

Lyric drew in a deep breath. If it was the same man, then it had to be a coincidence that he was here. When she walked through that door, he would probably be just as surprised to see her. She was sure of it. She decided she would give him a tour and then assign him to another trainer. There was no way she could work with him, a man who made it very obvious he thought he was God’s gift to women and was used to them falling at his feet.

He’d discover the hard way that she didn’t play that kind of game. She knew she had done more than stump him—she’d read it in his eyes and seen it on his face. She had bruised his oversize ego. Too bad.

Squaring her shoulders, she opened the door to find a man dressed in a workout outfit that clearly showed what great shape he was in. This man didn’t need a trainer—he was already buff in all the right places. It was quite obvious he was already working out in somebody’s gym. Muscular broad shoulders, firm chest, tight abs, sinewy thighs...

Why was he here?

He hadn’t heard her enter as he studied the photos on the wall. They were of her father and had been taken years ago, when he’d competed in the Mr. Atlas competition.

“Mr. Jamison?”

He turned with a megawatt smile on his face, making it obvious he wasn’t surprised to see her. “Ms. Evans. We meet again.”

* * *

“WHAT ARE YOU doing here, Mr. Jamison?” Lyric Evans was glaring at him.

Tanner couldn’t help but smile. “I prefer you call me Tanner.”

“And I prefer you not being here.”

“Why? I signed up as a client with you as my trainer.”

“I get to pick and choose my clients. You knew I worked here. Do you deny it?”

There was no reason to lie. “No, I don’t deny it.”

“You’re stalking me?”

Tanner frowned. “I don’t stalk women. However, if there is one that I want to get to know better, then I make that possible.”

He watched her cross her arms over her chest and thought the same thing he had that first day he’d seen her. She had a pair of nice-sized breasts. “Look, Mr. Jamison, if you think you can show up here and flash some sexy smile and believe I will drop those code enforcements, then you are mistaken.”

She thought he had a sexy smile, did she? “My being here has nothing to do with the renovations. I filed the compliance paperwork yesterday. My partners and I will be doing everything you indicated needed to be done to bring the building up to code.”

He saw the surprised look on her face. “Then why are Copyright 2016 - 2024