Follow Your Heart (Catalina Cove #4) - Brenda Jackson Page 0,108

did catch it. And he lowered his head, bracing his jaw against the side of her head, her curls tickling his chin, mouth and cheek. Vanilla filled his nose, and he subtly inhaled the scent.

“That’s okay. Because she’s not too old to be healed. And she’ll find healing right here in the very place she ran from.”

Like you did.

But he ignored that taunting voice. Her situation and his were different. There was no redemption or miracle cure for him. The best part of him was buried in the cemetery behind St. John’s.

He shifted from behind her, taking her hand again. This time she didn’t hesitate to enfold her fingers around his. That tiny show of trust shouldn’t have struck him in the chest like a fist. Shouldn’t have had him battling the need to tunnel his fingers through those thick, sexy curls to tip her head back and brush her lips with a kiss of thankfulness.

Don’t miss what happens next in...The Road to Rose Bend by Naima Simone

Available May 2021 wherever HQN books and ebooks are sold.

Copyright © 2021 by Naima Simone

Keep reading for an excerpt from The Marriage He Demands by Brenda Jackson.

The Marriage He Demands

by Brenda Jackson


“What’s wrong, Cash?”

Cashen Outlaw eased down into the chair in front of his brother Garth’s desk. He then said the words he’d never thought about saying. “Bart just called. He got word that Ellen has died.”

Garth Outlaw leaned forward in his chair as he studied his brother. “I’m sorry to hear that, Cash.”

Cash nodded, at the moment not able to reply. Their father, Bart, had been married five times. Each of his sons had a different mother. Ellen had been Bart’s third wife, and Cash’s mother. Like the two wives before her and the two after, Bart had managed to divorce Ellen and get full custody of any child born to their union.

Cash didn’t really recall his mother. He still had a picture of her tucked away that had yellowed with age. She was the only one of the five wives who’d called Bart’s bluff and took him to court for custody of their son. She lost the battle and was never heard from again. Over the years, Cash hadn’t received even a telephone call, birthday card or holiday greeting. It was as if she’d dropped off the face of the earth.

He had often thought about finding her, but didn’t want to risk the pain of rejection like Garth had felt when he’d found his mother. Over the years Cash had decided that if his mother ever wanted to see him, she knew where he was. He and his family still lived in Fairbanks, Alaska, where their multimillion-dollar company, Outlaw Freight Lines, was located.

“When is the funeral, so the four of us can be there for you? I’ll let Sloan, Maverick and Jess know. Charm won’t be returning from Australia until next month.”

Twenty-five-year-old Charm was their only sister and the youngest of all Bart’s offspring. To this day, Charm’s mother, Claudia, was the only woman Bart had ever loved, and she’d been the only one Bart had not married...but not for lack of trying.

“No need. Ellen didn’t want a memorial service, and there won’t be a funeral either. According to the information Bart received, Ellen wanted her body donated to science. Her attorney wants me there for the reading of the will on Friday. I’m surprised I was named in it.”

“And where are you headed?” Garth asked his brother.

“A place called Black Crow, Wyoming.”

“Do you need Regan to fly you there in the company plane? I can go along for support if you need it.” Regan was the company pilot and Garth’s wife. They had been married for nearly ten months.

“Black Crow is right outside of Laramie. I plan to gas up my plane and fly myself since it’s less than a five-hour trip from here.”

Cash and all his siblings had their pilot licenses. Due to Alaska’s very limited road system, one of the most common ways of getting around was by aircraft. Locals liked to say that more Alaskans owned personal planes than cars.

“Okay, but if you change your mind, let me know.”

“I will.”

* * *

Two days later, Cash flew his Cessna to the Laramie Regional Airport. He’d ordered a rental car to be there when he arrived, and it was. Shifting his cell phone to the other ear, he tossed his overnight bag in the back seat as he continued his conversation with his sister, Charm. She was calling from Copyright 2016 - 2024