Follow Me Darkly (Follow Me #1) - Helen Hardt Page 0,71

hell is this?”

“Skye?” Eugenie asks.

“I’m sorry. Could I call you back? I have a…situation here.”

“Hang up the damned phone!” Addie slams the tabloid down on the desk.

“Sure,” Eugenie says. “But get back to me within the hour, please.”

“I will.” I end the call.

“Poised to become the next sweetheart of Instagram?” Addison glares at me.

“I already know about the article. I never said any of those things, and I have no idea who their alleged source is.”

“Your BFF, no doubt?”

“Tessa? Of course not. Tessa wouldn’t lie about me.”

“Even if they offered her some money?”

“They pay their sources?” I shake my head.

“I don’t know,” she says, “but I wouldn’t put it past them. Just how many calls have you gotten from my clients, Skye?”

“One. Just the one from Eugenie.”

“That’s not what this says.” She points to the rag.

“You can believe me, or you can believe some source,” I say. “Your choice.”

“It doesn’t matter who I believe. You’re the competition now, which means you have a conflict of interest. You’re fired, Skye.”

I widen my eyes. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me. I’m a professional, so you’ll get two weeks’ severance pay, but you’re done here. I already locked you out of my account.”

That explains why the password doesn’t work. “What about tomorrow’s shoot?”

“I’ll handle it myself. Or I’ll hire a new assistant. You’re not indispensable, no matter how much you think you are.”

“All right,” I say.

“You’ll lose in the long run.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Braden. He’ll destroy you. He may make you into a huge influencer, but one day you’ll be wishing you took my advice and stayed away from him.”

“How can I take your advice when you won’t give me any details?”

“Figure it out for yourself. I’m done.” She stomps into her private office but looks over her shoulder. “Pack up your shit and get out of here.” She slams the door.

My flesh goes numb. It’s over? Like this? This was never my dream job, but I did good work for Addie. Not just good work. My best work. It sucks not to be appreciated.

I don’t have a lot of personal things at the office. Everything fits easily in a reusable grocery bag. Before I go, however, I print out Addie’s email contact list before she locks me out of that as well. I won’t go after her clients, but a lot of those contacts are also my contacts, and I’m not about to lose them.

I return Eugenie’s call as soon as I reach my apartment.

“I’m so sorry for the interruption,” I tell her. “Trust me that it will never happen again.”

“Not a problem. Will you be able to do the first post today?”

“Absolutely. Do you have anything you specifically want me to include?”

“No. This is all you, Skye. Just wear the Cherry Russet and mention it. Otherwise, be creative. I’ve already contacted payroll. Since you chose automatic deposit, your first half should hit your account by the end of business tomorrow.”

“Thank you.”

“As per the contract, the second half will clear after all three posts are published.”

“I understand. Thank you again. I truly appreciate the opportunity.”

“You can be huge, Skye. We know you’re the brains behind Addie’s posts. Be yourself and use your talent. You’ll outshine her in no time.”

I’m not in this to outshine anyone. But I don’t say the words.

“I’ll get the post up before seven p.m.,” I promise. “Oh, and from now on, please contact me on my cell.” I recite the number.

“Awesome. Talk soon.”

Eugenie has my number. Excellent. Only problem? All my other contacts will attempt to call me at Addison’s office. That’s a problem. If she’s answering the phone, she’ll no doubt try to blackball me.

You’ll outshine her in no time. Why would Eugenie say that? Is she Kay Brown’s source?

I laugh out loud. The social media director for a major cosmetics company certainly has better things to do than give out false information to a gossip rag.

You can be huge, Skye.

Eugenie talked about me being the brains behind Addison, about using my talent and being myself.

But the truth is, Braden is the only reason anyone cares what kind of lipstick I use.


Once he’s out of the picture, no one will care what I think anymore.

I sigh. That’s a fact. But I have another fact to consider.

I’m now unemployed. I need a steady stream of income, and if this will give me income, I have to do it.

I’m a photographer. An artist. I’m going to get creative and give Susanne Cosmetics a post that’s not only catchy and informative Copyright 2016 - 2024