Follow Me Darkly (Follow Me #1) - Helen Hardt Page 0,30

card over to me.

Nice promo. Slick. Though I have no need of an attorney, and I’m sure I can’t afford her anyway.

“I interned with Brock Ames when I was in law school. He got me set up with my current firm.”

I didn’t recall asking, but good to know.

“So how do you two know each other?” I ask sweetly.

“We don’t, actually,” Braden says.


“Shameless self-promotion.” Laurie smiles. “Of course I recognized Braden and had to come introduce myself.”

“As I said, Ms. Simms, I’m happy with my current representation.”

She stands. “Can’t blame a girl for trying. Nice to meet you, Skye.”

“You too.” I smile again. This time it’s genuine.

Laurie is blond and beautiful and also very nice. I berate myself for questioning her motives. She’s not after Braden. She’s after his business.

“Thanks,” Braden says.

“For what?”

“For getting back here. Seemed like you were gone forever. When I’m alone, people pounce. Laurie is the umpteenth person who came up to me while you were gone.”

“Were the others beautiful females as well?”

He smiles. “Does it matter?”

How am I supposed to answer that? Yes, it matters, because I’m experiencing petty jealousy that nauseates me. Or no, it doesn’t matter, which is a big damned lie.

“I suppose not.” Back to trying to sound nonchalant.

“One was Peter Reardon. Apparently he was waiting outside the ballroom, and when he saw you and Tessa leave, he came back in and sought me out. He apologized for dancing with you.”

“Oh, for God’s sake. That’s ridiculous. He had a perfect right to dance with me. I enjoyed his company.”

“I’m sure he enjoyed yours as well. He just didn’t know you were with me.”

“I wasn’t with you.”

“You are now, and I aim to keep it that way.”

His words both anger me and make me hot.

“Have you thought any more about coming back to my bed?” he asks.

Those words just make me hot.

“I don’t want to talk about that here,” I say.


“Why? Because we’re nearly screaming at each other to be heard above the band.”

“Let’s go out to the lobby, then.”

“I can’t. I have to watch Tessa’s bag.”

“Tessa’s bag will be fine. If it’s not, I’ll replace everything in it.” He stands. “Come on.”

“She’d never forgive—”

“For God’s sake.” He reaches for my hand and tugs me along behind him.

We walk along the outer edge of the ballroom to the entrance and then through the hallway into the lobby.

“Why did you come here, Braden?”

“I already told you. To keep you from getting into someone else’s bed.”

I tilt my chin upward. “Why is that any of your concern?”

“Because I want you in my bed, Skye. Haven’t I made that clear? And I’m not very good at sharing.”

“What about what I want? Has that occurred to you?”

“You seemed to have a good time in bed with me.”

Oh, yes, I did. The problem occurred when it was over.

“You’re not denying it,” he says.

“No, I’m not. The actual act itself was…acceptable.”

He lets out a boisterous laugh—the first time I’ve truly heard him laugh—and I mean really lets it out. His whole face lights up, and God, he’s handsome.

He finally curbs his laughter. “Acceptable? You’re something else, Skye.”

I cross my arms, trying not to frown. “Making fun of me again?”

“No, I’m not, actually. You are a challenge, Skye Manning, and I never back down from a challenge.”

Okay. Not sure what to say to that, so I say nothing. Just stand my ground, hoping I can keep up this charade of being in control.

Because I’m not in control. Braden strips me of it.

“The act itself was acceptable,” he says. “Are you saying something else about our time together wasn’t acceptable?”

“Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”

He smiles. “Don’t leave me in suspense.”

Now or never, Skye. Time to fess up. I want this man. I want to go back to his bed, but not if kicking me out afterward is his habit.

I clear my throat. “Fine. I didn’t like how it ended.”

“I seem to recall it ended with both of us climaxing. What was wrong with that?”

“That’s part of the act. The act was acceptable, as I’ve told you. I’m talking about after the act.”

“I believe you left.”

“That’s not how I’d phrase it. You didn’t say a word to me other than to tell me Christopher would take me home. You left me alone to get dressed—”

“Did you want help dressing?”

I uncross my arms and extend my fingers, trying to ease the tension that’s overtaking me. “Would you let me finish? God.” I pull my hair off my neck. It’s so hot in this Copyright 2016 - 2024