Flipping the Bird (Shift Creek #1) - Carrie Pulkinen Page 0,21

doesn’t reverse flow anymore, right? So, if you take its magic, and it can’t regenerate, won’t it be gone for good? Kaput?”

“I suppose that’s a possibility, but it’s a chance I’m willing to take.”

“Won’t that upset Alice?”

He let out a long, slow breath. Yes, it would upset her, but once he unlocked his magic, he could make it up to her. “Taking the power from the creek is my destiny. You heard the seer’s prophecy. Once my mission is complete, I can be the man Alice thinks I am. I can give her anything she wants.”

“You’re right. That’s what you have to do. I’ll keep looking in all the nooks and crannies for the amulet, just in case it’s still here. It sounds a lot easier than the shovel method.”

“Stay indoors. There are wolves and foxes in this area, and neither—shifter or not—would hesitate to have you for a midnight snack.”

“Aye-aye, Captain.” Marty gave him a mock salute and jumped down onto the bench. “But be careful with the crow woman. I’m not convinced what she did to you was an accident.”

“I can’t imagine anything she’d have gained from doing it on purpose.”


He patted the mongoose’s head. “I’ll be careful. Don’t wait up.”

Donovan left Marty in the hall and went outside to climb into his rented Audi. The drive into town lasted a mere ten minutes, and he had to circle the block a few times so he didn’t arrive early. As much as Alice infatuated him, he didn’t want to appear too eager.

At 6:59, he parked on the curb in front of her art gallery/apartment and popped a breath mint into his mouth before strolling around the car to the front door. He rang the bell and slipped his hands into his pockets, stepping back to peer at the window above. The light dimmed moments before the door swung open. It seemed Alice was eager too, and the thought made him smile.

“Are all warlocks this punctual? It’s seven o’clock on the dot.” She wore a pewter-colored dress that hugged her feminine curves and a pair of black knee-high boots that drew his gaze to her shapely legs. Her shiny dark hair spilled around her shoulders, and a light coat of makeup accented her vivid green eyes.

He’d never encountered a creature of such beauty…with a smile so disarming. The simple curve of her lips was enough to render him speechless, and the strange bond he felt with her deep in his bones couldn’t be denied.

She closed the door behind her, turning the key in the lock before tilting her head at him. “Is everything okay?”

He blinked, his senses returning to him. “You look stunning. Thank you for accompanying me this evening.” He offered his arm, and she slipped her hand into the crook of his elbow.

“My pleasure. You look nice too.”

He opened the car door, waiting for her to settle inside before closing it and walking around to the driver’s side to join her.

“So…” She buckled her seatbelt. “I probably should have asked you some questions before I got in the car. Actually, I should have asked before I agreed to go out with you. That wasn’t very smart of me. You could be a psycho for all I know.”

He smiled. “Perhaps you felt the strong connection between us and knew in your heart that I’m not.”

“Maybe. Or perhaps your chiseled jawline and mysterious dark eyes distracted me, temporarily shutting down the rational part of my brain.”

“Hmm… I suppose that could have happened. I do have that effect on people, so I’m told.”

She laughed. “I bet you do.”

“What would you like to know? I’m an open book.”

She twisted in her seat to face him. “We could start with last names. Mine is Crawford.”

“And mine is Drake. Anything else before we’re on our way?”

“Donovan Drake.” She nodded. “That’s got a nice ring to it. Can I call you Donny?”

“Not if you expect me to answer.”

“That’s fair. Where are you from? I can tell by your accent it’s not Texas.”

He turned toward her. “New York. Upstate originally, but I moved to the city as an adult.”

Her brow furrowed briefly, as if she were confused, and she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth in the sensual way she’d done yesterday. His gaze lingered on her mouth, and he couldn’t tear it away.

After a moment, she pressed her lips together and nodded. “I can recommend some restaurants in the town over if you haven’t decided on a place yet.”

“I thought we’d stay local

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