Five Little Words - Jackie Walsh Page 0,31

the time if the room is warm, but I like to make sure he’s snug and safe, wrapped up tightly, where nothing can harm him.

I am hoping Conor might elaborate, mention one or two enemies of his, someone who may have sent the card, but he’s not giving anything away.

‘There was an old man,’ I say. ‘He started talking to me in the pub but when he realised I was your wife he turned away.’

‘Runner.’ Conor laughs. ‘Don’t mind him, he’s a nut job.’

‘Why do you call him Runner?’

‘I don’t know, it’s what my father always called him. They had a falling out and he hasn’t spoken to me since.’

‘Is there anyone else?’

Conor turns his attention from the TV and looks at me.

‘Why all the questions, Laura?’

Now’s my chance; I have to tell him about the card. He could put my mind at rest. Maybe even tell me who he thinks sent it. This is it, I’m going in.


I’m interrupted by the doorbell. Conor jumps out of the seat to answer the door. I’m left with my mouth open in mid-sentence. The moment is gone, and when I see who bursts into the kitchen, four gins to the wind, I realise it won’t be coming back tonight.

Chapter Twenty

‘I hope you don’t mind us popping in like this, but Helen just had to see the baby.’

Maggie sounds even louder with drink on her. By her side is a woman of the same age, dripping in jewellery and covered in face powder. The scent of perfume invades the room. Did she spill the whole bottle over herself?

‘Laura, this is Helen; Helen, Laura.’

I shake her hand and suddenly I become conscious that I’m wearing pyjamas and it’s only about five o’clock in the evening.

‘I was just telling Helen how good a father Conor is.’ She turns her head around to look at Helen. ‘He gets up in the middle of the night to feed and change the baby.’

It takes a little more effort than usual for Maggie to walk in a straight line, but she manages it and heads to the crib.

‘That never happened in my day,’ she huffs.

Knowing this will not go down well with the new mammy, Conor interrupts.

‘Laura is the real hero here. She has everything under control. I don’t know what I’d do without her.’ He pulls me close to him and hugs me. Resting my head on his shoulder, I inhale his scent. That’s one for me.

The baby has woken – hardly surprising with two old dears breathing gin down his neck. Shuffling in between them, I lift Shay and rock him over my shoulder. Helen has run out of words to describe how lovely he is. Of course he’s the image of his father and Maggie is standing so proudly, it’s as if she dreamed him into existence.

‘Would you like a coffee, Helen?’ Conor asks.

I stare at him but he doesn’t see me. The last thing I want is these two women hanging around when I should be relaxing in my husband’s arms with Shay resting on my chest.

‘I’m sure they’d like to get home. It’s been a long day.’ I say.

‘Actually,’ Maggie giggles, ‘if you don’t mind Conor, we’d love a G and T.’


The room has suddenly become a prison cell. How am I going to handle listening to these two yapping on? Maybe I’ll say I’ve a headache, that I have to lie down. Conor can entertain them.

After placing two glasses on the counter, Conor leaves to get the gin from the drinks cabinet in the front room. Maggie and Helen have removed their coats and are making themselves comfortable on the two chairs each side of the TV. I’m sitting facing them, Shay asleep in my arms. I’m hoping to make my exit as soon as Conor reappears.

Helen leans towards me, whispering in a low voice. ‘Did you hear what they’re saying about Vicky?’

My fake headache has suddenly disappeared. Shaking my head in reply, I wonder what I am going to hear. Did they find her killer? Had Vicky something to hide?

‘Well,’ Helen looks behind her as if making sure no one is listening in. How drunk is the woman? There’s no one else here. ‘Apparently, she wasn’t quite as single as everyone thought—’

Maggie interrupts. ‘What Helen is trying to say is that rumour has it, Vicky Murphy was having a secret relationship with someone who is already married.’

‘An affair.’ Helen nods.

The judgmental silence is interrupted by Conor walking into the room, holding the Copyright 2016 - 2024