First Comes Scandal (Rokesbys #4) - Julia Quinn Page 0,12

don’t even know who is coming.”

“Billie and George. Lord and Lady Manston. Andrew and Poppy, perhaps?”

“No, they’re visiting her family in Somerset. One of her brothers just got married.”

“Oh, I hadn’t realized.”

Violet shrugged. “I don’t know which one. She has so many of them. I can’t imagine having such a big family.”

As if on cue, Anthony and Benedict ran past the doorway, their nurse in hot pursuit.

“Three does seem to be a handful,” Georgie said.

Violet flopped down in a chair. “You have no idea.”

Georgie smiled. She knew Violet wouldn’t trade motherhood for anything. Honestly, she wouldn’t be surprised if she and Edmund decided to extend their family beyond their current three boys. Her sister-in-law was always harried but always happy. It lifted Georgie’s spirits to see her, even as it occurred to her that this was something she was now unlikely to have in her own life.

Freddie Oakes had seen to that.

“I’m trying to decide who he looks like,” Georgie said, bobbing baby Colin in her arms. He didn’t have much hair yet, but it looked like it was coming in darker than Violet’s dark blond locks.

“Edmund. They all look like Edmund.”

“No, I don’t think so. I think all three are a combination of both of you.”

“You’re very kind, but I know the truth.” Violet sighed dramatically. “I’m but a vessel for the Bridgerton family.”

Georgie laughed out loud. “Honestly, I think they mostly look like each other.”

“They do, don’t they?” Violet smiled to herself. “A matched set. I don’t know why that makes me so happy.”

“Me too.” Georgie held Colin out a few inches for a better look at his face. “Look at those cheeks,” she said. “And his eyes. I think his eyes are going to be green.”

“The color of gluttony,” Violet muttered.

“Not envy?”

“That, too.” She shuddered. “He never stops eating.”

Georgie grinned and kissed Colin’s nose. “Is it too much to ask for one of you to favor your Aunt Georgie and come out a little bit gingery? Just a little? I could use another redhead in the family.”

“Lone wolf that you are,” Violet quipped. “I thought redheads were supposed to have tempers.”

“Alas, no. I am a model of serenity.”

Violet pointed a finger in Georgie’s direction. “Mark my words, Georgiana Bridgerton. Someday you’re going to explode, and when you do, I don’t want to be anywhere nearby.”

“Not even to watch?”

“Only if it’s not directed at me.”

Georgie looked back at the baby. “Do you think your mother could ever make me that angry? No? I don’t think so, either.”

Colin burped and pitched forward, almost causing Georgie to lose her balance. By the time she had a firm grip on him again he was gnawing on her shoulder. “I really think he’s hungry,” she said to Violet.

“Eh.” Violet waved a hand.

“I can’t believe you,” Georgie said with a laugh. “When Anthony was a baby you fussed over him like he was made of porcelain.”

“I didn’t know any better. They’re really quite sturdy.”

Georgie smiled at her little nephew. “Well, I think you’re adorable,” she told him. He grinned back.

“He smiled at me!” Georgie exclaimed.

“Yes, he’s quite charming when he wants to be.”

“I didn’t know babies could smile at this age.”

“Anthony didn’t. Benedict …” Violet frowned. “I don’t remember. Does this make me a terrible mother?”

“You could never be a terrible mother.”

“You’re too kind, and I do love you for it.” Violet stretched out her arm, but when Georgie walked over she realized her sister-in-law wasn’t reaching for the baby. Instead she took Georgie’s hand and gave it a quick squeeze. “You were born with a sister,” Violet said, “but I wasn’t. I hope you know that’s what you are to me now.”

“Don’t.” Georgie sniffled. “You’re going to make me cry, and I’ve done far too much of that already.”

“If it makes you feel better, you don’t look as if you’ve been crying.”

“You didn’t see me last week.” Georgie tipped her head toward the open door. She thought she heard voices. “It sounds as though people are arriving. We should go down soon.”

Violet stood and took Colin from her. “Edmund told me a little of what happened,” she said as she led the way to the nursery. “I have never seen him so angry. I thought he would call Mr. Oakes out.”

“Edmund would never be so stupid,” Georgie said.

“You’re his sister,” Violet said, “and your honor has been impugned.”

“Tell me he didn’t use the word impugned.”

“It was something considerably more profane.”

“That sounds more like my brother,” Georgie said with a roll of her Copyright 2016 - 2024