First Comes Love - Ashlee Price Page 0,43


“What about you?” I ask, “Tough day back?”

“No,” he says. “Surprisingly. Had to catch up on emails and return some calls, but nothing like what I expected. Thought there would be a load of work and problems waiting for me. And I did get a look at our episode.”


“Our video editors are fast.” I can hear the proud smile in his voice, and it makes me smile too. “And good. That’s why I called, actually. Thought if you wanted to stop by and take a look…”

“Oh.” I frown. “Guess it’s too late now.”

He pauses. “I don’t know. I got the footage on a USB stick, I thought that maybe if you wanted to see it…”

“Of course I do! So, you’ll hand it over tomorrow?”

“I can.”

This conversation feels like it’s going odd. Like there’s something I’m not grasping.

“Of course I’d rather see it right this instant,” I continue, “But I wouldn’t want you to come all this way just to drop it off.”

“I wouldn’t.”

A pause, then he says, “What if we saw it together?”

“Oh.” My hand has been tapping a yay-me beat into my leg for who knows how long. I force it still. “I don’t know, my place is… Messy? Anchovy isn’t great with strangers either. And I wouldn’t want to impose.”

“I know a place,” Greyson says. “If you’re game.”

“A surprise?” I already like the sound of this.

“A surprise.”

“I’m in,” I say.

“Great, I’ll be there in 10.”

“See you.”

I drop the phone on my bed and race off. “Hannah, tell me you’re still here! Greyson just invited me out and if you still want to hang, I can totally cancel on him. And I have nothing to wear!”

Hannah, on the couch, just smiles. “You go off with Greyson. Roger will be thrilled I can come over.”

“You sure?”

“Positive. You and I had our pizza time anyway. We can do girl’s night tomorrow? Legally Blonde?”

“You bet,” I say, my relief rising and falling just as fast. “But I’m in PJs and my hair is insane!”

“Right.” Hannah comes over. “On it.”

Fifteen minutes and one slightly untrue ‘on my way’ text to Greyson later, I’m hurrying into the elevator. I check my reflection with a grin.

Grimly, despite my protests that my hair ‘can’t be tamed’, Hannah calmed its madness into two French braids as I threw some brown eye shadow on as fast as I could without looking like a makeup-challenged hooker. I did a quick hobo shower with my loofah and some almond body gel and then I was as good as new. Or as good as anyone could be when given 10 minutes’ notice. I chose a tie-dye lace-up dress that’s comfy and sexy, an unusual combination as far as I’m concerned, and now, here I am, ready for my… date? Work meeting?

You don’t kiss your boss, stupid.

OK, here I am, ready for my whatever-the-hell, dressed to kill.

Greyson’s at the curb in a slick white Mercedes with the top down, staring.

“Too much?” I ask, biting my smile.

“No. You look great.”

I get in beside him and we get driving.

“If there’s any hair on my dress, it’s Anchovy’s,” I babble.

What the hell is up with me?

Greyson quirks an eyebrow. “Anchovy?”

“Not an actual anchovy.” I giggle. “Although that could be a neat pet. It’s my ferret. His name is Anchovy.”

A smile pricks the corners of his lips. “Of course your ferret’s name is Anchovy.”

I can’t seem to keep myself from smiling either, even though he’s teasing me. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means that you’re a surprise wrapped in a mystery.” He slings a gaze my way. “And I’m excited for tonight.”

“I would be too,” I say, “if I knew what tonight was going to be.”

“You’ll see,” is all he’ll say.

And though I want to leave it at that, and should, I can’t seem to sit in silence tonight for some reason.

“What if I guess where we’re headed?” I say. “Your place, some restaurant, a fancy bar I can’t afford… are you even going to tell me if I guess correctly?”

Greyson grins. “No.”

I sigh. “I guess I shouldn’t complain. I do like surprises.”

No point in mentioning how the biggest surprise of all is how I feel when I’m around him. Safe yet dangerous. Excited yet frustrated. Giddy yet earnest.

We get there a few minutes later. Wherever ‘there’ is. To me, it just looks like a nice but weirdly dark-windowed condo building.

“Are you taking me here to kill me?” I ask as we walk into the lobby. Greyson presses a card to a box and the first Copyright 2016 - 2024