Fires of War (War and Deceit #4) - Erin O'Kane Page 0,80

just turns around and walks away. Raising an eyebrow, I look around to see if anyone else noticed and see that Eldrin is watching his brother leave with a frown.

“Clarissa, we really should go,” Grayson urges, interrupting my musings with a hand on my lower back, and I just sigh and nod, allowing him to lead me to the front of the university.

It’s a shame we couldn’t stay here longer and that the time we have been here has been tainted with worry and strategy meetings. As we walk through the pale stone corridors, I enjoy the architecture, since I’m not sure when I might get the chance to return. The high, arched ceilings and spiralling staircases seem to be endless, plus with the many manicured gardens and domed buildings, I am in love with the peaceful beauty of the place.

My shoes click against the stone floor, announcing my arrival as we step into the large entrance hall. The rest of our party is already waiting for us, and I smile when I see my aunt and Vida talking with High Mage Ellis. The mage seems to have taken a liking to the two women, personally showing them around the guild.

When Revna said she was coming with us, I was worried. She’s the high chief, she’s important to the tribes, and if this really is a trap, she could be walking right into it. I fought with her, insisting she stay behind, but she refused, and even now, her words echo in my mind. You’re my niece. I lost you once before to that bastard, I won’t lose you again.

After that, I knew there was no point in arguing with her, so we agreed she could come, along with Vida and six warriors. Three wood elf and three sea elf warriors have also joined us.

Standing at the base of the staircase are ten mages dressed in their full ceremonial uniforms. Their double-breasted blue jackets and half cloaks on their left shoulders look smart as they wait for instruction. Running my eyes over them, I notice some of them are sending uncomfortable glances towards the elves standing by the doorway. Pausing just as we enter, I turn to Grayson and nod towards the mages.

“You’re sure I can trust them around the elves?” Keeping my voice low, I examine the group again. Most of them are around my age, in their twenties, but there are a couple of older magicians in there, all of them men. A hand lands on my shoulder, pulling my attention back to Grayson.

“Yes, I trust every one of those men,” he assures me with a smile. “Come and meet them, that might put you at ease.” This does actually help soothe me, along with the positive regard he feels towards those men. Grayson may not care much for the elves, but he wouldn’t risk my safety with people he didn’t trust or think could do the job right. The fact he personally picked each of the mages who will be coming helps to put me at ease a little.

Squeezing my shoulder, he turns to his men and starts walking towards them. Following a step behind, I feel the eyes of the mages fall on me before flicking to my mates, but their reactions don’t change from the professional nods I receive. In fact, some of them smile slightly at me in greeting as I get closer.

“Magicians, this is Clarissa, the Great Mother’s chosen,” Grayson introduces, gesturing towards me. “Your job is to protect her from the king, do you understand?”

They all bark out their agreement, and I have to stop myself from raising my eyebrows at the sharpness in Grayson’s voice, which is so at odds with the softness I’m used to when he speaks to me. He glances over at me, and I know he’s giving me the opportunity to say something to them. Frowning slightly, I think about what I want to say, but it doesn’t take me long.

“This trip isn’t going to be easy. I’m sure the king has something up his sleeve, so I need you to be vigilant.” Taking a deep breath, I peer over my shoulder at the elves waiting by the doorway, then I gesture for my high elves to come closer, the three of them standing by my side. “The elves I travel with are like my family.” I watch the mages for their reaction. They survey my elves cautiously, but they don’t flinch or give me any impression Copyright 2016 - 2024