Fires of War (War and Deceit #4) - Erin O'Kane Page 0,56

but I can see him pulling away from me, prepared to put his happiness last once again. I need to make him understand.

“Stop.” Sitting up, I move onto my knees and straddle him, reaching out and catching his chin between my hands. He avoids my gaze, staring over my shoulder instead. “Are you telling me you don’t feel this connection between us?” His eyes widen slightly as I speak, flicking up to meet mine as if checking to see if I’m telling the truth. I can’t hide my smile, my suspicion confirmed. He does feel a connection to me, even if he won’t admit it out loud. His expression changes as he watches me, hunger appearing as his fae instincts kick in. He wraps his arms around my lower back, holding me close. “If I didn’t have mates, would you ignore this?”

He growls low in his throat, pulling me tighter against his chest. “If you didn’t have mates, I would court you,” he replies, leaning in close, his lips brushing against my neck and pressing against my pulse point. He takes a deep breath and lets out a deep, satisfied rumble that makes my core clench with desire. He has barely touched me, and I’m already wet for him. I had no idea that just a sound could make me so aroused. His teeth press gently against my neck, and for a second, I think he’s going to bite me like the fae do when they mate. My breathing picks up and my hands tighten on his shoulders, but he pulls back slightly, chuckling low in his throat. “And if by some miracle you wanted me, I would ask Menishea to bless us and ask you to be mine.” His words make my stomach flip as his tongue flicks out and he licks the tiny imprints where his teeth pressed against my skin.

Is he saying that in different circumstances, he would ask me to marry him? Do elves do that? My arousal fogged brain tries to pick apart what he just said as he blows on the now damp skin.

Eldrin pulls back to look at me, using one of his hands to brush my hair back behind my ear. “But you do have mates.” His voice is sad but resigned, quickly snapping me from my hazy state. He’s already come to terms with the fact that he will never be able to be with me, but he’s not even giving it a chance.

Frowning, I pull my hands from his shoulders and gesture from him to me and back again. “This…connection between us. It may not be goddess blessed, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less special or important than my others.” A vulnerable look appears on his features as I speak. It’s difficult to be mad at someone when you can see their insecurities. Sighing, I lower my voice and take his large hand in mine, letting him see that if he denies himself this relationship, it’s not just him that he’s hurting. “Are you giving up on me before you’ve even given us a chance?”

Silence follows as he looks down at our joined hands, his thumb rubbing over the back of mine. Following his lead, I glance down. They look so different together, his large, scarred, and tanned, mine small and pale, yet locked together, they’re perfect.

“Do you truly feel that way?” There’s an urgency to his voice that makes me look up, and I find he’s closer than I expected, his eyes alight.

I don’t need to think about my answer, the word immediately on my tongue. “Yes.”

A low, possessive growl leaves his throat again, his eyes heating. “Then I will never give up on you.” My heart soars at his declaration as he pulls me closer, our lips meeting in a passionate kiss. I bite down lightly on his lower lip, and he growls into my mouth, making a thrill go through me. I know nothing more can happen today, and he knows it too from the way his hands tighten on my shoulders and he sighs into my mouth, pulling away slightly. “Although, I’m not sure the others will agree.”

I wince and nod. He’s right, I’m not sure how the others will take it. Tor has been the most open to ‘sharing’ me with the others, but that was with those I shared a goddess bond with. Grayson, well, he hates elves, so adding another elf to the mix is going to test his limits. He only Copyright 2016 - 2024