Fires of War (War and Deceit #4) - Erin O'Kane Page 0,17

try to stop them, my eyes flick over to Ragnar. It’s not a surprise that he’s looking back at me.

“Today, we are going to induct her into the tribes, to make her one of us so she can take her rightful place and have a home among us.” Revna pauses, her expression hardening. “As was previously pointed out, Clarissa’s mother was banished, so all twelve chiefs need to agree to allow her to accept her status as one of us.” Turning from me and the viewing crowd, she faces the gathered chiefs behind her. “Does anyone object to this?” The note of warning in her voice is obvious, and there’s a flicker in her eye that warns not want to mess with this woman. There’s a tense pause, and I notice heads turning in Ragnar’s direction, but even if he was going to disagree, he would be foolish to publicly deny his goddess. When no one says anything, Revna smiles slightly and turns back to me, a weight lifting from my chest as I release a breath I hadn’t realised I was holding. “Who here is acting as Clarissa’s guardian?”

“I am, High Chief Revna.” Tor steps forward, looking formidable at my side, his face set in a blank mask, but with his tattoos standing out in the morning light, he appears fierce, unapproachable, and untouchable. Like this, with his axe at his side, he looks every inch the mountain warrior we were taught to fear in Arhaven. Feeling my eyes on his face, he glances down at me, and the corner of his mouth twitches.

Revna clears her throat, pulling our attention back to her, and I have to fight my guilty grin at being caught out like small children. Focus, Clarissa, this is important, I chide myself. I’ve already caused enough of a scene without holding up the ceremony even more.

“Torsten of the Eternal Brothers, do you swear to teach Clarissa the way of the mountain tribes?” Revna continues, focusing on the tribesman at my side.

By acting as my guardian, he will be accepting the role of protector and teacher while I’m here. It will be up to him to make sure I know my place within the tribes. Tor explained to me that it’s unusual for a guardian to be from a different tribe, but since nothing about this is normal, it was accepted.

“I do.”

Something reverberates through me as he speaks, and at Tor’s declaration, Revna nods. Turning to the chiefs behind her once again, she opens her arms wide. “Which tribe is willing to accept Clarissa into their ranks?”

Nerves make my stomach flip, but I needn’t have worried, as Arne doesn’t make me wait long, stepping forward almost immediately. “We are, High Chief.” His deep voice travels through the meeting place, as do murmurs of agreement and surprise at his announcement. The chief takes his place in front of Revna, bowing his head slightly in a sign of respect.

Almost like she can’t help it, Revna smiles slightly in response before quickly wiping it away, adopting the serene mask of high chief once again. Something tickles in the back of my mind as I watch the two of them, remembering that Revna was once from Arne’s tribe so they were probably close at one point. I wonder if they were closer than I suspected.

“Chief Arne of the Golden Hawks,” Revna says, cutting off my musings. “Do you swear to accept Clarissa as one of your own?”

“I do.” The Golden Hawk Chief agrees without pause, and together, the two of them turn to face me.

Revna’s expression is somber now, and I know that’s because she’s not seeing me at the moment, but my mother. I can’t even imagine how bittersweet this is for her, and we’re still getting to know each other, but I’m glad I get to experience it with her.

Vida steps up to Revna’s side with a small clay bowl of what looks like black powder and presses it into the high chief’s hands with a bow of her head. “Clarissa, are you ready to become a tribeswoman and accept all that comes with the title?” she asks as she walks slowly towards me, holding the bowl out in front of her. “Are you ready to belong to the Golden Hawks Tribe and follow their laws and rules, and in return, reap the comforts they offer?”

This is purely ceremonial, as I already have the tribal tattoo on my arm, having already been secretly inducted by Arne days ago, Copyright 2016 - 2024