Fires of War (War and Deceit #4) - Erin O'Kane Page 0,155

temple shrine in the mountains in the far north of Morrowmer, saying we might find answers about our bond there. It turns out there are several, however, and we are at one of those shrines now, freezing my behind off while searching old texts. During the long journey, my mates and Naril, my now constant companion, started to teach me to read, something that proved to be far harder than I imagined.

“Did you find anything new?” Grayson calls softly, stroking his fingers through the silky strands of my hair.

Lifting my head from the book, I sigh and push my hair back from my face. I glance around the large, stone, magic lit room, seeing the others are all looking up from their books to watch me. This temple, like the others we found before it, is made up of several worship rooms with a huge study in the back. We have found lots of references to the old gods and foul creatures, but I am struggling to find any mentions of bonds.

“No, none of this makes any sense.” Throwing my hands up in frustration, I scowl at the book and the letters that seem to mock me. “It’s like it’s written in another language.” Flipping the tome closed, I slide it away from me.

“You’re too hard on yourself. You’ve learned so much in such a short amount of time,” Tor comments from farther down the table, his dark, intense eyes watching me closely. He’s barely let me out of his sight since the fight six months ago.

Vaeril appears from behind one of the bookshelves with a stack of heavy tomes in his arms. He swiftly places them on the table before walking to my side with his supernatural grace. “Take a break, you’re too tense.” He leans down, rests his hands on my shoulders as he starts to massage the knots, and murmurs, “I could think of a way to loosen you up.” His words have an instant effect, just like he knew they would, and desire warms my blood, making Grayson and Tor groan as they feel my arousal through our bond.

Vaeril’s hands move across my shoulders with ease, warming my muscles and making me moan with bliss, my head falling back as he places kisses against my neck. Grayson and Tor watch me, and I’m suddenly glad Naril and Eldrin are out hunting. I miss my scarred mate and would love nothing more than to have him pressed against me. However, while he’s accepted that he has to share my heart with the others, he’s made it clear that when it comes to him and me in the bedroom, I am his alone. His relationship with Grayson has improved drastically since the battle, but he could never share me in that way with anyone, and we have come to terms with that.

With the others though…

Their desire fills the room. We’ve teased and hinted at sharing me between the three of them before. Tor even walked in on Vaeril and me once when we were travelling to the temple and we escaped our camp for some alone time. Remembering it now brings a hot flush to my cheeks and a flash of desire straight to my pussy.

Yet, we’ve never crossed that line. Opening my eyes, I see they’re both watching me with hungry gazes. Vaeril continues to kiss my neck, sliding his hands from my shoulders and around to my chest, cupping my breasts through my jacket.

“What do you say, Mage?” Vaeril asks between kisses, the challenge in his tone obvious. “Think you can help ease our mate’s tension?”

Grayson closes his book, his eyes staying on my flushed face as he pushes his chair back. “What do you think, Clarissa?” He stands and walks towards me. Perching on the edge of the table, he smiles at me before leaning in to press a light kiss against my lips. “How does having three of your mates worshipping you sound?” He keeps his lips against mine as he speaks and smiles when my breath hitches. The thought of the three of them touching me at the same time, their naked bodies against mine… I can feel myself becoming wet already, and they’ve barely touched me.

“Finally,” Tor mutters from the other end of the table, his chair scraping across the ground as he shoves it back. His quick footsteps are the only warning I get before his body appears in the corner of my eye. Pulling back from Grayson’s lips, I look Copyright 2016 - 2024