Fires of War (War and Deceit #4) - Erin O'Kane Page 0,131

still on a high from our joining, but I know we’ll soon have to go back to camp.

“Eldrin—” I start, but I’m stopped when a huge wave of magic slams into me. Except it isn’t any magic that the mages use, it’s dark and wrong. At first, I think the darkness that’s been tainting the lands has reached us, but as I look around, I notice the trees and other lifeforms still seem to be standing. No, whatever that was, it was a warning.

Eldrin hisses and moves away from me, pulling up his trousers as he moves into a defensive stance, obviously having felt the magic also. Most beings don’t feel magic unless the magic user intends for you to.

Not seeing an immediate threat, Eldrin straightens and helps me into my dress. “What was that?”

Fastening up the buttons on my dress as quickly as possible, I fight back my panic and rising nausea. “I think the queen just declared war.”

Eldrin freezes for a second before snarling, “I won’t let her hurt you.”

I nod, but I know he can’t promise that. We have no idea what she has planned. The queen has been suspiciously quiet since the attack with the forsaken, which makes me nervous. We know she propositioned the king, and they will most likely be working together now, especially considering Rhydian’s sudden use of dark magic. That’s what had been bugging me back in Arhaven when I couldn’t connect the dots—none of the king’s sons had any magical abilities, and Rhydian’s certainly was not normal. His magic was all too similar to the queen’s darkness. I’ve had a lot of time to ponder everything that happened, and the king’s concerned glances he kept throwing towards his son tells me he didn’t like what was happening. When I asked Jacob about it, he didn’t know much, since he was taken away before anything transpired, but he said Rhydian changed, and that it was almost like there were two sides to him. Remembering Rhydian’s twitching form and his comments about me being their city’s only hope, it makes me think that the darkness came with a price.

Shuddering, I push thoughts of the dark prince from my mind and check to make sure I’ve not left anything on the ground when a glow catches my attention.

My mind goes back to when I initially met the wood elves and I saw a forest spirit for the first time. It had taken the form of a wolf, and Speaker Hawthorn had told me it signified that magic was returning to the forest. Except the form I see before us is no forest spirit.

“Great Mother.” I drop into a deep curtsy before the glowing figure. She’s hazy, nothing more than an ethereal outline—I can’t even make out her features—but I don’t need to see her face to know her love for me. The mark on my wrist begins to glow in her presence, and I can feel her approaching me.

“Beloved,” she greets in return, cupping my chin as she raises my head. It’s an odd sensation. She’s not here physically, so it’s like being caressed by magic, my skin tingling where she touches. Although I can’t see her features, I get the impression she’s smiling.

“Menishea.” Eldrin kneels on the ground, awed to be in the presence of his goddess. My heart constricts tightly as I watch him press his face into the dirt. It’s obvious he thinks he’s lowly and unworthy of the goddess’ time, based on his behaviour. I thought he was starting to work through some of his self-worth issues, but then I suppose when someone has felt as worthless as he has for so long, it’s difficult to move past.

“Rise, Lord Eldrin.” The goddess kneels by my mate, offering him one of her hands as he lifts his shocked gaze. Pausing, he stares at the proffered hand with vulnerability shining in his eyes, as if he’s scared this may be a trick. However, the Mother is patient and holds steady. Slowly, Eldrin extends his hand and places it in hers, standing to his full height.

Now face-to-face, she cradles his hand between hers. “You have had many hardships. I am glad you have found happiness with my beloved.” A weight seems to lift from Eldrin at the goddess’ approval of our joining, a slow but glowing smile spreading across his lips.

Her words finally register with me, our connection throbbing in my chest. Does this mean we were fated all along? Taking a step Copyright 2016 - 2024