Fires of War (War and Deceit #4) - Erin O'Kane Page 0,12

my anger.

That is enough!

My wrist glows so brightly it hurts to look at it, and as the Mother shouts in my head, I’m suddenly aware of everyone falling to their knees, watching me with expressions of fear, glee, reverence, and devotion.

I feel different, powerful in fact. It’s almost like I’m having an out of body experience as I get to my feet and look down at the cowering people around me with a strange sense of detachment. Even Tor and the elves are bowing, wearing varying expressions of wonder on their faces. Magic rolls over my skin, and all pain and weariness disappear, the presence of the Great Mother stronger than I’ve ever felt before. Joy fills my soul at being so close with my goddess, and I feel her caress in acknowledgement of my devotion, but there’s a reason she’s here, and I shrink away from her simmering wrath. The Great Mother is barely in control of her fury, she’s on a warpath.

My head turns, scanning the kneeling tribespeople before us. Raising my arm and seeing the blood dripping from the cut, my eyes narrow and the dam that’s holding back that fury breaks. It suddenly occurs to me that I’m not in control of my body right now, but only a vessel for the goddess.

“How dare you mark my beloved?” Although it’s my mouth and my voice saying the words, it sounds nothing like me. The power behind it makes the hair on my arms stand on end. The mountains tremble around us, and several people cry out in fear, calling out to the goddess for mercy. Although I know this is aimed at Ragnar, she continues to look around at all those gathered as she speaks.

“You doubt me, your goddess?” She doesn’t shout, yet her voice seems to carry, her disapproval clear in every word. “Your faith in me weakens, which is why I sent Clarissa to you. Yet that is still not enough, you require constant proof.” My voice deepens, and although it’s still early morning, the sky seems to darken around us, clouds forming out of nowhere. The land falls silent. Birds fly back to their nests, their songs muted, and even the wind seems supressed, the sound of the breeze blowing through the tall grasses absent. With a snap of my fingers, we turn to face the painted chief as sound suddenly returns. When he attacked me, he’d been dragged a few steps away, but we now close the distance until we are looking down at him where he kneels on the rocky ground.

A wave of the Mother’s almighty magic rolls over him, and I see his eyes widen and his body shake as he comes to the realisation of what’s happening. “Is this proof enough for you, Ragnar?” The venom in the goddess’ tone makes him wince, and frankly, I don’t blame him.

Dipping his head in a show of respect, he looks back up and meets my eyes. “Yes, mighty Shea. Please accept my apologies.” We pause for a moment as we regard the painted chief, and although his hands are still quivering, he keeps eye contact with us the whole time. A hum of approval goes through me, and I get the impression the Mother thinks his apology is genuine. Does she trust him not to try and hurt me again?

I do, my beloved, she whispers to me. He wouldn’t dare harm you again, I can see his intentions. Her voice fades from my mind as she turns her attention back to the watching tribes. Her eyes land on each of the chiefs, and she nods her head slightly when she meets the high chief’s gaze.

“There is a great evil infecting the land, and my beloved will need your support if you are all to survive this,” the Mother addresses everyone, her voice carrying once again, and I can feel magic in the air which explains how she’s doing it. Murmurs sound from the watching tribespeople, and there’s a sudden rumble of thunder overhead in the gathering clouds, effectively quieting them. “The future is bleak if she is to fail her task, so it benefits you all to aid her in this.” Face grave, I look around the crowd again, my eyes landing on certain people, and from their shocked expressions, I get the impression they had been having doubts. Somehow, the goddess knew and was able to find them in the throng. Finally, with a deep sigh, I look back to Copyright 2016 - 2024