Fires of War (War and Deceit #4) - Erin O'Kane Page 0,119

our bond, Vaeril snarls. He wraps one arm around my back and slips another under my legs and lifts me from the ground, using his supernatural speed to get us down the steps and to the door of the carriage.

“Not so fast, Clarissa.” The voice, although said no louder than a casual hello, seems to echo and reverberate around the black stone walls of the courtyard, making the horses whinny and stamp their hooves. A cool finger of ice drags down my spine, and I know Rhydian has caught up with us. Pausing by the open door of the carriage, Tor holds out his hands to help me into it, but I don’t accept, instead gesturing for Vaeril to put me down. He’s going to refuse, I can sense it, so I place my hand on his chest, right over his heart, and reach for our connection. His expression tightens, but he nods and sets me down, keeping his arm around my waist.

The pressure on my legs has eased now, thanks to the magical barrier we passed through, but I know that Rhydian was somehow behind it. Standing tall, I turn to face the prince. He’s just inside the doorway, and although he hasn’t changed physically, it feels like I’m looking at a different person. When I meet his eyes, a wave of terror runs through me, and I know I was right, something has taken over the prince. The strangeness I felt pulsing from him erratically is now a solid feeling. I see nothing human in his gaze any longer, I just see darkness and evil.

Trying not to shy away from the feline grin he gives me, I keep my spine straight as I address him, acutely aware of how quiet the courtyard is. “What are you?”

My question seems to startle him, his smile dropping, his face going blank for a few seconds. Anger flashes across his features, and I glance around as I witness the king’s guards hurrying from the courtyard, leaving us alone with the prince. The atmosphere suddenly intensifies, and I hear swords being removed from scabbards and feel the buzz of magic in the air as my companions prepare for an attack. Guards appear on the walls with bows and arrows drawn, yet I can’t help but notice that many of them are anxiously watching Rhydian rather than us, their target.

Returning my gaze to Rhydian, I see he’s grinning at me again, back in control of his emotions. “I am what you forced me to become,” he finally replies with a cryptic remark.

What I forced him to become? I muse. What does he mean by that? I’m unable to think of any possible way I could have forced him to do anything, but I feel a building darkness, and the longer we stand here, the larger it grows. We need to leave before it’s too late. With growing dismay, I realise there is no way we are all going to get out of here together. There are too many archers, and with Rhydian’s dark magic…

“Let them go and you can have me.” My voice is strong and sure, ringing out as I step forward—if only I felt that confident inside. My innards are a twisted mess as my heart pounds against my ribcage. There’s an outcry from the carriages, male and female voices alike calling out their disagreement, and my heart warms that so many would miss me should anything happen to me. However, that only makes me more determined. Vaeril’s hand tightens on my waist, and I instinctively peer over my shoulder at him. The look on his face nearly breaks me, almost makes me turn around and climb into the carriage with him, curl up into his arms, and promise never to leave. I’ve never seen such vulnerability on his face before, even when returning to the place where he’d been held captive for over a century.

Then I remind myself that he is the reason I must do this. Him and Tor and Eldrin and Grayson. Not to mention my new family, friends, and everyone else who deserves better than a tyrannical king and evil queen.

I open my mouth to explain, but a maniacal laugh cuts me off. I spin, my top lip automatically pulling back in a snarl as I drop into a defensive stance. Rhydian is much closer now, having moved silently with a speed he shouldn’t possess. I hear Jacob shouting that we need to leave before he starts, but Copyright 2016 - 2024