Fires of War (War and Deceit #4) - Erin O'Kane Page 0,100

looks like, I’m sure of it, I just don’t know why.

“Eat, drink, dance. This is all for you, after all,” the king announces with a saccharine grin, clearly dismissing me with a wave of his hand.

The guards must have parted, because I feel my mates gather behind me. Knowing my back is protected, I turn from the king and stride down the dais, hoping my frustration is not evident on my face. Picking a direction at random, I walk towards one of the tables lining the walls. The king is right about one thing, everyone will be hungry. It was a long journey from the guild. I nod at my entourage, and they spread out to mingle nearby, all while keeping a close eye on me and the actions of the king. The music has started up again, and dancers are hesitantly moving onto the floor. Low conversations begin around us, but I get the feeling we are the topic of many of those, based on the looks we seem to be getting.

Naril appears at my side and hands me a plate of food, holding his own overflowing plate in the other hand. Snorting, I accept the dish and pick at the beautiful, delicate food. We discussed not eating any of the food here in case it had been poisoned, but as it’s a buffet, there would be no way for the king to know which food we would be consuming. Unless he didn’t mind poisoning the entire ballroom in the process, which wouldn’t necessarily surprise me.

Picking at the food on my plate, I scan my surroundings and see Naril was right about my dress. All of the other ladies here are wearing full skirted, modest dresses. In fact, they all look so similar that it’s almost as if they were told what to wear. The atmosphere in the ballroom is tense, and even though people are obviously trying to appear as if they’re having a good time, fear is palpable in the flash of their eyes as they glance at us. At first, I think it’s the presence of the elves, but the longer I watch them and observe the multiple nervous glances they throw at the thrones, I become less sure. What exactly has been going on here?

My companions make small talk around me, picking at the food and making it look like we’re ignoring everyone else, while actually carefully watching those near us. No one tries to talk to me, however, knowing I’m too wound up to hold a conversation, but my mates hover close by, their gentle touches reassuring.

I’m still desperately looking around the ballroom for someone, anyone, I recognise when someone calls my name. Instantly recognising that accent, I spin to see a short, red-haired woman hurrying towards me.

“Aileen!” Abandoning any pretence of ‘cool and collected,’ I rush towards my friend, my mates close behind. Surprise fills me, she obviously recognises me without the magic Grayson used to turn me into ‘Lady Clarissa,’ and I realise that Wilson must have told her. I saved Aileen’s life the night I escaped and left her in Wilson’s care, he must have told her the truth about me.

I reach out to place my hand on her shoulder, but she throws her arms around me, pulling me close for a hug, surprising me with her strength. My hands hang awkwardly at my sides for a second, since I’m still getting used to casual touch outside of my mates. However, I’m so pleased to see Aileen alive and well that my happiness overrides my discomfort and I return her hug.

Pulling away from her vice-like grip, I smile tightly at her and then nod at her father, who I see is standing just behind her, watching us carefully. “I’ve been so worried. Are you okay?” I inquire, realising her face looks gaunt, her smile tight, and her skin much paler than I remember. Glancing again at her father, I notice how worried he is. His body is stiff as he warily looks at my companions, and I get the impression he doesn’t approve of his daughter being so close to the elves. Lord Bastian was always very welcoming of me before, not agreeing with the politics and hierarchy of the court, so I’m a little surprised at his attitude.

You have no idea what’s been going on here since you left, besides, he doesn’t know them like you do. You thought all elves were evil before you got to know Vaeril, I Copyright 2016 - 2024