Fireman Daddy - Taryn Quinn Page 0,10

even think.”

I reached for my buckle. I’d tortured both of us long enough.

I slipped my fingers from her, and my mouth watered for her again. A sudden, very hateful thought dented the lust. I wasn’t the guy who carried condoms in his wallet like the rest of the guys at the station.


If I slid into her, I’d never be able to pull out. I couldn’t even pretend that every inch of me didn’t want to come inside her until the only scent she carried was us combined.

I also couldn’t deny the hope it would plant a baby in her belly. I’d pushed aside thoughts of a family for work, but here and now, I could see it. Even as my dick was sending rage signals to my brain to just take her—and take her now—there was a larger part of me that wished for more.

But it would always be like that for me. It didn’t matter that I’d barely seen her in ten years. My emotions toward her had just hibernated, and one touch brought them right back to the surface.


“I don’t have a fucking condom.”

“Oh.” She collapsed onto her forearms and brought her legs together to curl tight into herself. Obviously, the haze of desire was catchy. “I didn’t even think about it.”

I slid my arm under her belly, pulling her ass tighter to me. I groaned as my trapped dick throbbed against her skin. I leaned over her, resting my forehead along her back. “I want nothing more than to feel you around me. Come home with me.”

“I can’t wait that long.”

“I don’t want to be stupid here. I would never risk you.” I spread my fingers over her soft belly.

“You’re clean, right?”

“I get checkups all the time—that’s not the problem.”

“And you don’t trust me?” Her voice was soft and unsure.

“No. It’s not that.” The buttons of her dress had all slipped free, leaving it open and her skin there for the taking. I cupped her middle. “What if we made a baby?”

She shifted until her hand covered mine. “Right. You’re right. So irresponsible.”

“I want you so bad I know I wouldn’t be able to pull out.” I slid my hand lower to where she was still so swollen for me. I groaned and rocked against her. “And what’s worse, I wouldn’t care if this ended in a baby.”


He was curled around me and my brain was fried from an absurd number of orgasms. I didn’t hear him right.

I couldn’t have.


“I mean it.”

“You’re insane.” I pushed him back and hopped off the pool table. “You can’t say something like that.” I raked my hands through my hair. “It’s just the lust talking. Guys say stupid things when they want to get their dick wet.”

He came around the table and crowded me into the foosball table, caging his arms around me. His jacket fell to the floor. “No, guys say they’ll pull out. I’m just honest enough to say I wouldn’t. I’d keep you naked for days. Until you were walking bowlegged from having me between your thighs every minute of every day. Until you didn’t remember what it felt like to be empty.”

I shut my eyes against the fierce sureness in his hazel eyes. He was talking crazy.

And it sounded too perfect. I’d never belonged to someone like that. I’d been alone for so damn long. Way before Danny and I had broken up, he’d checked out of our relationship in favor of his career. Then he’d rolled on to the next woman who fit his new image.

Right now, sex and attraction made sense. I’d always had dangerous feelings for Jake. I’d buried them out of loyalty. And Danny had been his closest friend, even if deep down, I’d always wondered if Jake was truly close to anyone. I wasn’t the girl who would pit two men against each other. All those years ago, I told myself it was just because we spent so much time together. That explained why I always searched Jake out when Danny pissed me off.

But maybe I’d pissed Danny off for an excuse to call Jake.


Maybe I’d run away from more than just this town after graduation.

“Don’t shut me out.”

My eyes flew open at the coarse tone of his voice. Instinctively, my hand sought out his face. I didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t handle all these emotions on top of this newest burden. I had enough to deal with when it came to the bar and the money pit of renovations.

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