Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,99

over her face as she ate, watching her two gorgeous husbands watching her.

“What puts such a devilish smile on your face, lovely Krys?” Drake beckoned to her with one finger. She took a small plate of pastries back with her as she rejoined him on the mattress.

“I was just thinking we should eat while we can. One cannot live on love alone, after all.”

“Says who?” Mace sat up to nibble on her shoulder. “Personally, I find you delicious and very invigorating.”

Krysta felt the dragons stir in the back of her mind. Joined as she was to the men, she had felt echoes of the dragons’ passion in her own body even as her men drove her higher with their love. Judging by the sensations, the dragons were gearing up for a third round of aerial love.

Placing the plate on the small ledge behind Mace, she leaned over him, only to be caught in his strong arms and pulled down for a kiss. The kiss turned to a thorough exploration that made her senses swim. By the time Drake came up behind her, she was ready for anything these two might want from her.

Mace drew back and pushed her head downward. She knew what he wanted. She wanted the same.

As the dragon fire burned hotter, she took Mace’s thick cock between her lips, playing with him at first, before sucking him deep. At the same time, Drake lifted her hips off the mattress, settling behind her as she rested on her knees. He entered her slick channel, pushing her forward onto Mace’s cock. He drew out and pulled her back. He repeated the motion, increasing his pace, essentially fucking them both as his motion pushed her back and forth on Mace.

Gazing upward, she saw Mace’s head drop back on his shoulders, his eyes shut as pleasure swamped him. Drake increased his pace yet again as the dragons spiraled higher, trumpeting to the heavens along with their fellows. Many knights and dragons were celebrating in pleasure with them this night.

As the dragons reached their peak, so too did their human counterparts, Mace coming in her mouth while Drake’s seed flooded her womb. Krysta’s whole body clenched in bliss, riding the waves of ecstasy for long moments as the dragons rode the air currents toward the earth far below.

As Drake had predicted, the Jinn party did indeed last for days. Krysta was excused from her duty as a Guard while the knights enjoyed the usual respite from their work as well. Newlyweds were given a week to enjoy their married state before having to go back to work.

For Drake, the end of their honeymoon signaled the beginning of a new life. He’d never expected to be welcomed back to Draconia in such a fashion—being partnered with Jenet was a boyhood dream come true and being married to Krysta was every fantasy he’d ever had. She was inventive in the bedchamber and a true partner in the life he saw unfolding before his eyes. It was a life he’d never expected, but one that promised great joy.

The rest of the Lair kept their distance during that initial week, though both sets of parents had contributed to the basic decoration of the set of rooms assigned now to Mace, Drake, Krysta, Nellin and Jenet. Krysta had brought a load of gifts from her family as well. Her brother had attended both ceremonies—the public part of the Lair wedding and the full Jinn ceremony performed a day later. Unexpectedly, Drake discovered the new leader of the Wayfarer Clan, a lovely gray-eyed woman named Malin, was also Krysta’s sister, the eldest of the three siblings.

Rulu, the aged former leader of the Clan, was her father, and he delighted in giving both Drake and Mace dire, half-hearted warnings about how to treat his baby girl. The Jinn weren’t used to three-partnered marriages but were more open-minded than other peoples, having traveled in all lands and seen all kinds of customs and traditions.

During that week, the dragons had mated almost continuously every night, making up for lost time they claimed when they paused long enough to speak. They all slept deep into the morning, only stumbling out for sustenance around noon each day to the teasing grins of the Lair folk. A few times, the human side of the family would have to go running for their chamber when the dragons unexpectedly took to the sky. They didn’t always make it, but the Lair folk weren’t easily shocked. Dragons Copyright 2016 - 2024