Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,75

He accepted what he was—a damn fine knight of Draconia—and didn’t begrudge Drake the new discoveries that set him apart from all other knights and even his Jinn brethren. Drake was unique. But then, Mace could have told them that when he was just a lad. Drake had always had something special about him. It was why Mace had tried so hard to emulate him, in his way, but Mace accepted now, he would never be able to do so.

“Why so quiet, Sir Mace?” Gryffid had come to stand next to him while he watched Gerrow dance with Krysta. “I know it is your usual way, but tonight you are very silent, even for you.”

Mace regarded the wizard, still unsure how the man knew so much about everyone and everything. Finally he shrugged, just accepting…for now.

“It’s a lot to take in.”

“Ah.” The wizard nodded. “I thought as much. But you seem to be handling all this rather well. Many other men would be raging or green with envy. I begin to see why you are here after all. It is clear a being of such light needs an anchor to the here and now. You and Krysta serve that purpose—but you most of all, Sir Mace. You will be his brother-in-arms, his fighting partner. It is for you to show him the way knights fight together. You will show him how to be part of a team, and part of a family.”

“I honestly don’t know if I’m up to that task, sir.”

“Nonsense!” The wizard laughed at him. “You are or the Mother of All would not have seen fit to put you in this equation. You must believe that. Without a strong tie to the land and the human race, I fear Drake will be lost. You are that tie to Draconia and humanity. Krysta is the binding to love and Jenet and Nellin will ground him in his fire. It is a perfect, delicate balance. A thing of beauty, indeed. Do not belittle it and do not fear it.”

“I fear little in this world, sir.”

“That’s the best thing about you, Mace. You don’t show fear, but I know you are aware of true danger. You will not lead any of your new family into more than you can handle. That is your skill and your point of pride. Common sense that the others sometimes lack. Do not discount it.”

Chapter Fifteen

Drake sang and played for several hours, but eventually he was able to break away from the minstrels as the fair folk began to retire for the evening. He found Krysta and Mace in a corner near the fire, surrounded by Nellin and Jenet. They looked comfortable, Krysta snuggled back in Mace’s arms while they sat, watching the hall and the people within. The minstrels still played a mellow tune. He liked the way they looked together and didn’t find any jealousy within his heart for their closeness.

Wil sat nearby, talking with Mace, telling him of his life over the past five years. Drake realized the boy he’d chased all the way across country was no more. William had grown into a man, and Drake didn’t know how the royal family would receive him when they returned.

“Sir Drake,” William greeted him with a wide smile as Drake took a seat next to Mace and Krysta. The formal address jarred him a bit. He’d have to get used to this being a knight business. He could still hardly believe it, but Wil seemed to take it in stride. “Jenet talked about you quite often, but I had no idea you were so talented. I’ve heard your songs performed by others in my brother’s court.”

“Speaking of which…” Drake eyed the prince seriously. “You do realize that for us, you’ve only been missing a few days. When we get back—if Gryffid is to be believed—only days will have passed for us and your family, while for you, it’s been years. I don’t know how the king will react.”

William shifted in his seat. “I’ve thought about this quite a bit. Roland will be royally angry at first, but he’ll get over it. I think Nico will take it harder, as will the twins, now that I’m almost their age. Actually, I might even be a little older. Damn, I’ve missed them.” Wil shook his head. “I mean, I understand why it had to be this way, and I’m glad for all I’ve learned here, but I really miss my family. It’ll be good to Copyright 2016 - 2024