Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,66

He rubbed her scales fondly. “Stay and talk with…uh…William.”

“I’ll stay outside with my lady,” Nellin declared and Drake wasn’t surprised. The young male dragon would protect his mate. Always.

Drake turned, leaving them outside with the puzzling young man, and followed the wizard, Krysta and Mace indoors. He wasn’t too surprised to see the doors and hallways of the keep were large enough for even dragons to navigate. It was clear the gryphons had the run of the place and in fact, the two who had escorted them to the island were waiting in the great hall when the Draconian party entered.

Herorthor and Llydiss sat near a huge fireplace that was centered along one great stone wall. A large table stood before it, with several richly padded chairs. The entire place had a feeling of antiquity about it, but looked comfortable enough. Gryffid went directly to one wall covered completely in bookcases. He pulled a large folio from one of the shelves and turned back to the group, standing very near the large table.

“Please, seat yourselves. I know you are weary from the crossing, but we have much to discuss.” He opened the folio and sorted through a number of ancient-looking scrolls before setting two aside while they took seats around the large table.

“I have here something for you to read, Drake.”

“How do you know my name?”

The wizard smiled coyly. “It is much more than your name, boy, it’s what you are.”

Drake sighed. Apparently it was true that wizards liked to speak in riddles. He tried to school himself to patience while the old man related his tale in his way.

“Draneth, Draco and the others. I knew them all, once upon a time, and called several friend. But then Skir started his rumblings and allied with other malcontents. They wanted war, so we gave it to them, but it was you—the sons and daughters of man—who suffered most. Then we hit upon the idea of creating guardians. Powerful beings who could fight to protect the human race from our folly.” He gestured toward the two gryphons lounging by the fire. “Draco was able to conjure little beings of fire that would flit around like birds, trailing flame from their wings and tail. They were formidable but lacked substance. That’s when Draneth got the idea for dragons, and you know the result of that experiment.”

“So what has this to do with us?” Krysta asked.

“Patience, young lady. It will all come clear in time.” Gryffid pushed one of the scrolls across the smooth tabletop toward Drake. “Perhaps this will help. Read it aloud, if you don’t mind, young Drake.”

Drake unrolled the ancient thing carefully, glad to see the writing was legible. He looked at his companions with a raised brow, then began reading, growing more concerned as he puzzled through the words.

“If you read this, you have at last found your destiny, my son, and dark days threaten the lands once more. Seek me in the forgotten places. Find me in flame. Hold fast against the frost and use what I have bequeathed as best you may. Do not squander your power, get of Draco. But use it as your forefathers once did. Let the dragons be your guide and protect them, sons and daughters of the flame made flesh.”

It was signed, Draco, Wizard of Fire. After that followed a few stanzas of mismatched verse, much like what the gryphons had quoted the day before.

Burn bright fire light

Spark to blaze the dangerous gaze

Ember’s glow, your inferno

Conflagration to save a nation

Thrice promised

The unexpected vow

Two will fly into forgotten realms

To fulfill the here and now

The vow to king

Prince and sire

Fulfilled five-fold

With untold fire

Flame rediscovered

Shared and passed

Kindled against evil

Magic meant to last

The Drake of Fire

Reborn and discovered

Partners in life

A weapon uncovered

Against the dark

Wield your purging flame

Judge with your heart

Live up to your Name

As he spoke the last word, Drake felt a tingling sensation in his palms that sizzled down his fingers. Little plumes of smoke drifted upward from the points where each fingertip touched the scroll. In those same places, the paper browned as if heated by open flame and Drake felt heat pool in his fingertips.

“What is this?” Drake looked from his fingers to the scorched page.

“Control your fire, son of Draco, or you will set my hall ablaze with your magic.” Gryffid chuckled, making light of something that set Drake on his ear.

“I’m no mage. I have no power.” He set the missive carefully on the table.

“Ah, there you are wrong, my young friend.”

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