Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,55

Drake called. “We know where they’re going. Or at least, I believe the dragons do. Don’t you, sweetheart?” Drake turned his words toward Jenet who hung her head almost bashfully. “You know where Gryphon Isle is, don’t you?”

Slowly, she nodded. “I think so. At least, we’ve been taught the signs by which to find it.”

Drake held her eye for a moment, then nodded. “All right then. Let’s fly as quick as we can for Gryphon Isle.” He mounted with a gentle leap and they set off almost before he was settled, Nellin, with Mace and Krysta, right behind.

Sometime around dusk, they reached the coastline. This was the southern border of Draconia, a foamy turquoise sea and lovely wide beach. They’d passed a few villages and fishing huts on the way to this secluded spot, but the dragons were looking for signs only they knew and had brought them to a secluded cove between two large pillars of rock.

Drake looked up at the walls surrounding the cove and realized it would be nearly impossible for humans to reach this area other than by boat. The steep walls were too barren to allow for easy climbing and the monolithic rocks guarding the mouth of the cove kept all but the most intrepid away.

A few large caves were hidden on the inner walls, but none showed signs of human use. Still, there was something odd about the area…

A moment later, the little hairs on the back of Drake’s neck stood to attention. Something was battering against him, but Jenet’s loud trumpeting roar blocked whatever it was. And then Drake knew.

It was magic!

Gryphon magic, to be precise. He’d felt its flavor only once before, but that was enough to remind him of his first meeting with Taldor and Rulith, the gryphon pair he’d known in that far-off land.

Drake turned, and there they were. Two mighty gryphons emerging from the largest of the caves. Their stance was adversarial, and the dragons went immediately on guard. Mace and Nellin took point, having more experience training and fighting as a pair, but Jenet moved to mimic Nellin’s motions and Drake tried to follow suit, though he didn’t carry a sword like Mace did.

Mace’s sharp weapon was drawn and ready as he faced down the gryphons. Krysta, no doubt, knew enough to stay out of his way, her own hands occupied with weapons she’d had secreted on her person.

But Drake knew human weapons would have little effect on creatures such as these. He slid off Jenet’s back and strode forward, facing the gryphon pair, his gaze steady and determined. He knew showing fear at such a crucial moment would spell his death. Gryphons were not to be trifled with, but luckily, he knew something of the creatures.

Jenet screeched at him in the back of his mind, but Drake tuned her out. This moment was too important for distraction.

Holding one hand up, palm facing the creature, he braced himself as he walked up to the female gryphon. She raised the blunt side of her front claw and he felt the jolt of her enormous strength against his hand. This was the moment.

If she meant harm, she would kill him now. If she were willing to parley, she would temper her strength to match his own, taking his measure.

Drake breathed an inward sigh of relief to find it was the latter.

When the female pulled her foreleg back, Drake stood before her, as tall and strong as he could. These creatures valued strength, skill and bravery above all.

“I am Drake of the Five Lands,” he said loudly. “Plume bearer of Taldor, in hereditary service to the Doge of Helios. I’ve come for Prince William of Draconia.”

“We have heard of you, Drake of the Five Landss.” The female gryphon spoke with a clacking of her beak, her bird-like tongue making a hash of the letter s. Drake was used to it, though he hadn’t heard gryphon speech in a very long time. The ones he’d known rarely talked aloud. Drake supposed this one did in deference to Krysta. It was interesting to note the gryphon evidently wanted all to know what was said.

Drake renewed his firm stance. “I’ve come for Prince William. Will you return him or must we battle?”

“He iss not ourss to give.” The male gryphon stepped forward, his voice a little raspier than the female’s. “You were expected.” The male cocked his eagle-like head and looked at Mace and Krysta. “Though we thought it would be two, not three. Copyright 2016 - 2024