Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,38

and furious out of his control, and he needed to think long and hard before committing himself to such a life-altering course. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, I’ve got work to do. You rest and heal. I’ll find Wil and bring him back.”

Declan lay back, drained. “You’re a good man, Drake. I know if anyone can bring that boy back safely, it’s you.”

Stunned by his blood-father’s confidence in him, Drake couldn’t speak. He shared a nod of understanding with the man who was his image and backed away. He spared only a moment to check on his mother one last time before he left the castle. He had work to do.

As dawn broke over the stirring city of Castleton, Drake of the Five Lands set about the business he did best…collecting information any way he could.

Chapter Eight

Drake’s steps led him to Rulu, former leader of the Wayfarer Clan, as the old man sat down to breakfast. Rulu didn’t look all that surprised to see Drake at his door, which set Drake on edge. What’s more, the old man wasn’t alone. Seated at the long table with him was not only Krysta, but the Captain of the Guard, Edden Vonris, the most fearsome swordsman in all the land.

“We’ve been expecting you,” Rulu spoke from the head of the table.

Drake entered the tent, taking the place already set for him at the low table. Edden’s presence here meant one thing Drake had suspected for a long time. The Captain of the Guard of Castleton was also a member of the Jinn Brotherhood. But why was Krysta there?

“We know about Prince Wil,” Edden said with a steely look in his gray eyes. Now that Drake saw them side by side, he noted the resemblance between Krysta and the Captain. No doubt they were related, probably brother and sister. But confirmation of that observation could wait. Wil’s safety was the bigger issue at hand.

“How do you know?” Drake asked, his thought spinning to the possibilities even as he ate the food set before him. This would be a long day. He’d need his strength.

“Word came through our connections with the Mercenary Guild about an hour ago. One of their number went rogue and took a job they were advised to pass.”

“Kidnapping Wil.” Drake nodded as he ate steadily, barely tasting the hearty meal. “Who did it?”

Whoever had gone against the Guild’s directive was going to be in big trouble from his fellow mercs. The Guild had been set up to bring some order to the profession and they never acted lightly. There was a Code the mercs agreed to when they joined the Guild, and acting against their Code could mean death. It was an incredibly rare occurrence for the Guild to advise one of its members against taking a commission. Mercenaries were mercenaries, after all.

“Shafir.” Edden spat the name with obvious distaste. Drake knew of the merc leader and hadn’t heard a single good thing about the man.

“Do you know who hired him and where they’re headed?”

“Not yet,” Edden said with deadly intent in his cold eyes, “but we will shortly.” He nodded over to Krysta. “That’s where my sister comes in.”

Drake raised one eyebrow in the Guardswoman’s direction. “Much as I admire her, just how does she fit into your scheme?”

“Drake, I’m the Wayfarer Clan’s spymaster,” Krysta said in a clear, firm voice.

Drake was surprised by the revelation. He’d dealt with the Wayfarer’s master spy several times over the past few years, but always through Rulu, who acted as an intermediary. Now it all made sense. They were protecting not only the spymaster’s identity, but also the very fact that she was female.

Drake sat back in his low chair and just stared at her for a moment. She watched him with wary eyes, probably wondering if he would get angry, or worse, laugh in her face. Drake did neither.

“I was just as blind as everyone else who placed bets on which Wayfarer male was the spymaster. Sweetheart, I’ll admit you took me by surprise. I’ve long admired your work.”

All in all, Krysta thought, he was taking the news of her secret identity much better than she would have imagined. She liked that he hadn’t questioned the claim. Made in the presence of the Clan elder and the Captain of the Guard, Drake hadn’t even questioned the revelation. She knew other men wouldn’t be so open-minded and accepting of a female spymaster. But then Drake had been Copyright 2016 - 2024