Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,34

of the master craftsmen of the Jinn.

He’d also brought some very special salves and creams for Jenet’s scales. Dragons didn’t need all that much in the way of skincare, but the delicate areas where their wings met their body could benefit from lubrication every once in a while. It was a knight’s duty to see to the comfort of his dragon and though Jenet had no knight at the moment, Drake thought she would probably enjoy the gift.

“They all smell wonderful!” Jenet enthused as she slipped her head through the loop of the leather pouch Drake presented to her. She sniffed each jar, nosing through them with enjoyment sparkling in her eyes. “Will you rub the one in the blue jar on my left wing joint?”

Drake ducked as Jenet lifted her wing over his head. He stepped up, using the jar she’d sniffed out and the skills he’d learned as a youngster to soothe her irritated skin.

“You shouldn’t have let this go so far, Jen. Your scales are ragged here.”

“You could help me, like you did when we were little.”

He knew that loaded suggestion was her way of nudging him about her desire to make him her knight—against all logic. Not answering her, he concentrated on his work.

He stepped back when he finished with her left wing and moved to inspect the right. He rubbed the scented cream into the joint until he was satisfied she was in good shape. Or at least as good as he could make her feel with only one treatment.

“I’ll give you another rub-down tomorrow morning, Jen. The right side is all right, but the left needs a little more attention.” He wiped his fingers on a cloth, then slipped the blue jar back into the pouch she still had around her neck. “You want me to put this with your things, Jen?”

But Jenet pulled away before he could remove the bag filled with jars of creams and ointments he’d given her. “I want to keep it near for a while, Drake.” Her words seemed almost bashful as she backed away toward the sandy wallow where she slept. “It smells good. And it reminds me you’re really home.”

Drake worried at her words and her obvious attachment to him, but he didn’t argue. He’d seldom seen Jenet so tentative, even as a young dragonet. The time would come soon enough when he would have to leave her once again. Better to let it lie for now.

Chapter Seven

The sound of running feet in the dead of night was never a good sign. It took Drake only a moment to realize he was inside the castle, in his childhood home. He heard scurrying footsteps in the hall pause, then enter the suite. Drake got up, instantly alert to possible danger, or worse…bad news.

It wasn’t long in coming. A knight he knew from his youth was knocking on his mother’s door, the older man’s face grim.

“Bertrand, what news?”

The man turned and peered through the dimly lit lair. “Is that you, young Drake? I’d heard you were back. Just in time too. Your mother will need you.”

“What’s happened?” Elena opened her door, clutching the lapels of her robe in one hand, apprehension clear in the tight lines of her small shoulders.

“My fathers?” Drake asked, dreading what Sir Bertrand might say next.

“Arlis barely made it back. Dec is refusing treatment until Arlis is seen to. He won’t let any of the healers near him and from what I saw, he’s hurt bad.”

Drake’s jaw clenched as his mother sobbed silently, tears streaming down her face.

“What about Ren and Lilla?”

“Dec says they were in worse shape than he and Arlis, which is why they made for the Border Lair while Dec turned back to report to the king. Prince Wil’s been kidnapped, right out from under them. It was an ambush, Dec said. They didn’t stand a chance.”

Elena sagged, and Bertrand was there to support her. “Take me to them, please,” she spoke in careful tones, regaining some composure as she straightened her spine. Drake marveled at the strength of his petite mother. She was small, but she was mighty.

The older knight let Elena lean on him as they headed out of the suite, Drake following behind. Quietly, he sought more information.

“Are they up on the tower?”

“East platform, Drake.” Bertrand nodded as they walked swiftly through the deserted halls.

“And Arlis is being treated?”

“They’d sent for the queen as I left them. She is a powerful dragon healer. If anyone can help Arlis, she Copyright 2016 - 2024