Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,32

them, though she tried to deny it.

He marveled at her lithe grace as she demonstrated takedowns, avoidance techniques and strikes to the newer Guards. She drilled them with efficiency and taught with clear words and actions. He realized he was watching an expert at work as he lounged against a support column a floor above the courtyard, hidden by the shadows of the arching wall. The offices and a few of the living quarters were behind him, but the place was designed so that the inner wall was open to the courtyard—one long hall off which the outer rooms lay.

Curiosity had brought him here. That, and a desire to see Krysta that would not be denied. He had to make contact with some members of his network today, but first he couldn’t resist visiting the garrison. He knew the building well and was able to find an out-of-the-way place to spy the mysterious woman who haunted his thoughts.

He watched her move, envious of the young men she taught, for they had all of her attention and focus. She touched elbows and patted shoulders as she passed each practicing pair, offering words of correction and praise in equal measure. She was a gifted teacher.

“You want her, don’t you?” The deep male voice surprised him. A quick look to his side revealed his childhood friend Mace, now fully grown and much brawnier than Drake had expected. His old rival had changed since they were teens, but then, so had Drake.

Mace had somehow discovered Drake’s hiding place, though he kept to the shadows himself. Drake spared him a glance, not liking the way the knight’s eyes were trained on the lithe woman moving around below.

“Am I that obvious?”

“I intend to win her, so if you’re just playing around, I’d appreciate it if you’d back off. Even when we were boys, I never stood a chance with a girl if you were interested in her too.” Drake was floored by Mace’s words, but the knight continued right on, not giving Drake a chance to speak. “This girl matters a lot to me, Drake. More than any other woman I’ve ever known.”

Drake caught the note of dismay in Mace’s tone, as well as the wonder. Could it be he’d found his mate? Drake could hardly believe it, though he knew knights often recognized their true mates within moments of meeting them. Still, he refused to believe Krysta was meant for Mace. She was Drake’s, dammit. Couldn’t they see that?

The trouble was, Drake didn’t know what to do about all these new feelings storming around inside him. He didn’t want to settle down with just one woman. Did he?

He didn’t recognize the indecisiveness in himself. Drake of the Five Lands was known for his steadfast character and quick turn of phrase. Why then was he reduced to a babbling idiot on this topic?

“I don’t honestly know what it is about her, but I can’t say I will withdraw from the field. It’ll have to be up to her, Mace.”

The other man sighed heavily. “I was afraid of that.”

They watched her move in silence for some time, each lost in his own thoughts. Drake wasn’t surprised Mace had realized his childhood ambition of becoming a dragon knight. He’d always lived up to the ideals of the Knights Creed—without even trying. Drake thought Mace had probably been born with the knightly traits of honor, bravery, strength, fairness and mercy. His skill with weapons and strategy seemed to come naturally, but he never lorded it over the other boys in the Lair. No, Mace didn’t seem to have any vices at all—something Drake had both hated and admired about his former classmate.

Despite that, they’d been friends. They’d also been competitors in many ways, but always friendly about it. And now they seemed to be competing for the same woman.

“She’s something, isn’t she?” Drake marveled as Krysta completed a complex block-sweep sequence he’d never quite mastered himself.

“One of the best.”

“You can say that again.”

The men were left alone as she dismissed her class and disappeared into one of the rooms on the lower floor. Drake turned to study Mace. He hadn’t seen the man in fifteen years.

“It’s good to see you, Mace. My mother mentioned you’d been chosen. Congratulations.” He held out the hand of friendship, and Mace hesitated only slightly before returning the gesture.

When they were younger, theirs had been a constructive rivalry, with no real hard feelings on either side. Drake knew Mace couldn’t help the fact that Copyright 2016 - 2024