Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,3

sparkling red, female dragon dipped her head near. “Hello, Drake. You’re looking well.”

Drake reached up and scratched the dragon’s eye ridges. “You’re still as beautiful as ever, Lil.”

He knew the dragon who had helped raise him wanted to say more, but the problems between Drake and his family had never had anything to do with Ren and Lil. They backed off to reveal a magnificent golden male dragon, with his blond-headed knight beside him. It was obvious to anyone with eyes in their head that this man was Drake’s blood-father. They shared the same golden good looks, the same strong features, the same muscular build, height and keen intellect. The same impenetrable will was also broadcast by identical stubborn jaws.

It was a clash with this man that had caused the rift all those years ago.

Drake knew he had to face Declan head on. To avoid the confrontation would only diminish himself in all of their eyes as well as his own.

“You’re looking well, Arlis.” Drake addressed the huge gold dragon first, then dropped his gaze to the silent knight at his side. “Hello, Father.”

Silence reigned as the older man strode forward, the dragon moving with him. When he drew close enough, Drake could see the battle going on behind the sky blue eyes, so much like his own.

“Is it true? Did Jenet try to claim you before you left?”

The question wasn’t what Drake had expected—nor was the stricken look in his father’s eyes. Drake recognized the hotheaded temper that mirrored his own, the wisdom that came with the passage of time…and the regret.

It was that last which struck him most. Never before had he seen his stern father show even the slightest crack in the armor that surrounded his heart. At least not around Drake. No, Sir Declan had always been a hard man, not given to patience with the son who was his very image. He’d demanded a lot of Drake as a child and never seemed satisfied with Drake’s best attempts to live up to the Knight’s Creed.

Over the years, Drake had given up trying to please his demanding blood-father, opting instead to deal with his mother’s other mate, the comparatively easy-going Ren. He’d found grinning approval from Ren and his mother, Elena, and bloomed into a strong young man with their loving guidance while his father watched with quiet, measuring eyes. Drake had always felt the weight of that icy stare, always fearing in the back of his mind that he didn’t quite measure up to the ideals of the Creed.

“I asked if it was true, boy.” His blood-father’s stern voice pulled him from his memories. “Did Jenet try to claim you before?”

Drake sighed, suddenly weary of all the drama. “Yes, Father. But don’t worry. I didn’t take her up on it then, and I won’t now. She was only doing it to get me to stay, and I wouldn’t saddle her with an inferior knight when better men are available.”

The older man looked stricken and, for a moment, Drake grew concerned.

“Is that what you really believe?”

Feeling the failures of his youth once more, Drake nodded.

“Son,” Ren’s voice sounded from Drake’s side. “You’re an ass.” Far from laughter, Ren’s deep voice was laced with fury. “I thought we raised you better than that, but for all your skills and daring-do, you’re a blind idiot.” Ren’s voice rose in true anger, shocking Drake. He could count on one hand how many times he’d seen Ren truly livid and this was definitely one.

“What?” Drake was surprised by the vehement anger directed at him.

Ren stepped right up to him and poked him in the chest with one hard finger. “A dragon speaks the words of Claim to you, and you accept. You don’t dither or keep her waiting for fifteen years while you play at being a spy.”

“Ren.” Elena put one hand on his arm, trying to calm him though her eyes were full of sadness and disapproval when she looked from Jenet to Drake.

“Jenet has pined for you all these years.” Declan had moved closer while Ren was fuming and now stood only a few feet away, Arlis right behind. “And now I find it was my own pigheadedness—and yours, Drake—that caused it all. Sweetheart,” Declan addressed the young female dragon behind Drake. “Can you ever forgive me?”

The peach-gold head dipped over Drake’s shoulder, and for just a moment it felt so natural to be sheltered in the coil of the dragon’s long neck. Jenet nudged Declan in the Copyright 2016 - 2024