Firedrake - By Bianca D'Arc Page 0,27

path he’d chosen, but to take some measure of pride in his elevated status. They actually seemed proud of him.

Slowly, Drake nodded. “Well, you’ll understand that because of my position, I can’t stay in Draconia for long. There are contacts I must make and keep outside these borders. Drake of the Five Lands has built up a certain reputation and a very large network that I must uphold.”

His mother sighed. “Your fathers expected no less, but now that you’ve come home for a visit, I hope you’ll return more often. I know Jenet wants you here as much as possible. As do I.”

Drake reached out to cover his mother’s small hand with his own. “I can visit, of course, but I can’t stay. There is much work to be done.”

“I get the idea you never would have returned if there wasn’t some grave plot afoot.” Declan spoke shrewdly, his sparkling blue eyes narrowed on Drake. “Can you tell us?”

Drake shrugged as he thought fast. Of all the knights, Ren and Declan were ranked among the highest. If there was a threat to the royal family, they would need to know.

“I can tell you this. There is a substantial threat to the younger princes, the twins in particular. I thought it real enough to return here after all this time to warn them myself.”

Jenet’s head loomed over the family dinner table. “We’ve already taken precautions,” she said in soft tones, including them all in her thoughts. “None of the royal family will be without escort until we determine the seriousness of the threat. We’ve devised a schedule. Nellin is with Wil right now. Jurak and Elinar are with the younger twins. They and their knights will sleep in the royal suites tonight and we’ll switch off in the morning. Roland and Nico refused guards, but we’re watching them anyway.” She chuckled in her dragonish way, a little wisp of cinnamon-scented smoke rising above the table.

“You’ve been busy, sweetheart. Good work.” The approval in Declan’s voice made Drake start. Dec had indeed mellowed in the past fifteen years. He’d never spoken so gently in his life. Or perhaps Drake had just never recognized the deep caring in Declan’s otherwise harsh voice.

“Is there anything we can do?” Ren leaned forward, seeking Drake’s counsel in a way that surprised him. Roles had certainly reversed in the past fifteen years. His fathers were both looking at him the way his Jinn brethren often did—with respect and a willingness to listen and follow direction. It was a jarring, heady feeling.

“Having dragons keep an eye on them is a good first step, but the information I have indicates the threat is greatest here, in the capital city and the castle. I recommended to Roland that his younger brothers either be confined here in the castle with multiple guards or dispersed to the outlying Lairs where the number of people going in and out can be controlled.”

“What is the nature of the threat, exactly?” Declan asked from the head of the table, all business now.

“Abduction.” Drake’s simple statement caused a stark reaction from everyone but Jenet. She’d heard his full report to the king and knew already what was at stake. “What my operatives have heard indicates King Lucan of Skithdron wants to capture one of the royal princes. They say it has something to do with his own transformation, and I fear he wants a half-dragon subject to experiment on. Nico and Riki saw firsthand what Lucan has done to himself.”

“What’s he done?” Drake’s mother wanted to know, a fearful curiosity on her delicate features as she looked from one man to the other seated around her table. “What haven’t you told me?”

Ren’s eyes were grim, but he nodded at Drake to do the honors.

“King Lucan cut a deal with the northern warlord, Salomar. Lucan would ship diamond blades from his mines northward in return for two things. First, he wanted access to the North Witch, Loralie. He asked her to merge himbodilywith the skiths that inhabit his land.”

Elena gasped, shock and horror on her lovely face. Skiths were giant, venomous, snake-like creatures that killed all in their path. The only thing they were afraid of was fire, but even a dragon could be felled by their acidic venom spray and vicious bladed teeth. They weren’t of very high intelligence and tended to be lone creatures, but just recently the king of Skithdron had found a way to mobilize and organize the skiths of his land into Copyright 2016 - 2024