Fire Maidens Scotland (Billionaires & Bodyguards #6) - Anna Lowe Page 0,24


Still, there was a glimmer of more in him. Of joy and love waiting to pour out, if only someone convinced him such things were allowed.

Someone like Ava, her dragon whispered. Someone like us.

Holly wasn’t so sure about the us part, but Ava…

“Tell me about her,” she asked.

Lachlan’s gaze wandered over the gravestones before he answered.

“She always wore her hair up like a crown, and she smelled like roses. And she had a big silver brooch that impressed me for some reason.” Lachlan smiled softly. “There was a gem in the center — a dark, smoky one. Pure cairngorm stone — a true Highland treasure.” His grin grew. “When my father and Trevor would go off to talk business, she would take me to the kitchen and let me watch her make crumpets. She would give me a few, wink, and say, ‘Don’t tell your father.’”

Holly chuckled. “Sounds like a good match for Trevor.”

Lachlan smiled. “She was.”

When his eyes strayed to Holly’s, her breath caught.

You’d be a good match for me, she wanted to whisper.

Lachlan had made it perfectly clear love wasn’t a priority. But gazing into his smoky eyes, she had to wonder. Was he finally seeing the light? Did she even want him to?

Overhead, a dark cloud rolled in, and she fidgeted, then motioned to the letter. “Maybe we should read the rest.”

“Aye.” Lachlan’s voice crackled a little. He raised the letter to the light and picked up where he’d left off.

If there is any wisdom Ava and I can impart to you, it is this. Love is life. Love is the most powerful, enduring force. The most beautiful, whether that’s love for your mate, a child, or a comrade.

Holly tilted her head. Comrade was a funny word choice, almost as if the letter were aimed at Lachlan. But she didn’t dare interrupt.

Even in sorrow, love lives on. It supersedes time, borders, and even death. Love is the one thing you can never waste nor regret.

When Lachlan paused to clear his throat, Holly looked away. Was Trevor right, or were his words colored by overly rosy sentiments?

The clouds overhead thickened, and Mungo whined, straining at the leash.

“Nearly done,” she assured him.

Lachlan went ahead, hurrying through the rest.

Yes, love can hurt, but it is never lost.

At any rate, that is a story for a different time. Now, all I ask of you is to spare a moment for my dear Ava and to consider my advice. Take things slowly. Relish every minute of every day. Banish regret. Let yourself live, and above all, let yourself love.

Yours truly,


Lachlan lowered the letter, and for a moment, they were both silent. The only sound came from Mungo, who pawed the ground impatiently.

For once, Lachlan didn’t appear to be in a rush. He sat with his head bent in thought, giving Holly the chance to do as Trevor asked. She closed her eyes and thought of him and Ava. Of love, life, and regrets.

But much as she tried picturing a young Trevor and Ava, she saw herself and Lachlan instead. Laughing. Loving. Banishing regrets.

She bit her lip, reining in a fantasy her soul refused to give up.

Tires crunched over gravel — a car passing on that quiet country road. A low growl built in Mungo’s throat, and she jiggled his leash gently. “Just a second, Mungo.”

A thundercloud slid closer, and cold air crept in, swirling around her ankles. Lightning wouldn’t be far behind, judging by the electric tingle in the air. Holly sighed, opening her eyes. Her hand brushed Lachlan’s, and he looked up.

Love. Life. Regret. Everything in Trevor’s letter swirled through the misty background of Lachlan’s eyes.

Holly mustered a weak smile that said, Yeah. Lots to process. Especially the regret part.

Time stood still for a while, and the only sound was that of her beating heart — and Mungo’s long, rolling growl.

“Mungo,” she admonished without looking over.

Lachlan did, however, and in the space of a heartbeat, his expression went from preoccupied to eagle-sharp. When he reached for her shoulder, she wondered if he might kiss her. And frankly, she wouldn’t mind if he did.

Instead, he grabbed her — hard — and propelled her to her feet as thunder rumbled.


“Move!” he grunted, rushing after her.


A cow bellowed, and hooves pounded on the other side of the wall. The earth shook, and a stone fell out of the sky. Or rather, from the top of the wall.

Holly’s eyes went wide. That wasn’t just one stone falling from the top of the wall. The entire Copyright 2016 - 2024