Fire & Brimstone (Neighbor from Hell #8) - R.L. Mathewson Page 0,58

seriously doubted that he wanted to hear another “Poor Rebecca,” story. He was probably sick of hearing about all the things in her life that sucked.

God knew that she was.

She’d rather the focus be on someone else for once and she had a feeling that after tonight’s events that Lucifer would most likely be that someone else. Poor, hot bastard, she thought, biting her lip to stop herself from laughing, but she couldn’t fight it. The look on his face when his mother had dragged him out of that room had been priceless.

She tried to stop laughing, tried to hold it in, but trying to hold it in only made it worse. It also hurt her ass, which effectively stopped the giggles.

For now.

But, she knew that years from now when she needed a good laugh that all she would need to do was close her eyes and think back on this day and picture the look on his face when his mother had dragged him out of the room by his ear.

Bruising her ass had been worth that memory alone, she decided with a pleased little sigh as she settled more comfortably on top of him. He really did make a great mattress, she thought sleepily as the warmth of the bath and his arms around her made it impossible to stay awake.

“Are you done laughing at my expense?” he asked, rewarding her with another one of those kisses that she liked and letting her know that he wasn’t mad.

“For now,” she admitted, turning her head so that she could press a kiss against his shoulder in apology.

“Are the pills kicking in yet?”

“Some of us are trying to sleep here!” Melanie, their constant companion, yelled from the other room before she could answer.

“We’re trying to soak in here!” Lucifer shouted back as all the warm fuzzy feelings that were making her fall asleep instantly evaporated.

“The two of you are going to drive me to drink,” she said, shaking her head in disgust, because really, the two of them never seemed to stop bickering.

Even when the two of them were hanging out, and yes, they did that now. Lucifer would walk in with his laptop, sit down on the couch, forcing Melanie to move over and steal her baked goods while she glared, stole them back and explained in minute detail what would happen if he kept touching them. Then there were the times when Lucifer would be downstairs sitting in the dinning area, doing paperwork while he ate lunch and Melanie would sit down next to him and start talking his ear off while he would occasionally glare at her, but other than all that glaring, he really didn’t seem to mind.

It was actually nice not having to worry about her best friend and boyfriend getting along for once, she thought with a disgusted shake of her head as she shifted to climb out of the tub.

“Where are you going?” Lucifer asked with a frown as she carefully, oh, so damn carefully, climbed over the side of the tub.

“To get away from you bickering hens so that I can get some peace and quiet,” she said with a wince as she tried to straighten, failed and settled for grabbing a towel.

“We’re not bickering!” Melanie yelled from the other room, sounding highly offended.

“No, no of course you’re not,” she murmured with a pained gasp as she struggled to wrap a towel around herself.

“Rebecca, wait,” Lucifer said, getting out of the tub and grabbed a towel. “Where are you going?”

“I just need to lay down,” she said, stepping out into the hallway to find Mojo, who’d been pouting since Lucifer had started coming around more, lying in front of her door.

Since there was no way in hell that she was going to be able to step over him with a bruised ass, she stopped shuffling in that direction, sighed heavily, turned around and began to shuffle in the direction of her front door when she realized that her new meds that were supposed to make her happy were not in fact working yet.

So, instead of trying to shuffle her way to the door and probably do more damage to her poor, abused bottom that would require another disturbing trip to his family’s medical practice, she waited for Lucifer to step out into the hallway. Once he was beside her, she sighed heavily as she regally gestured to him. “You may commence with the manhandling.”

Chapter 29

“A little to the right.”

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